Chapter 21: "Darkness, No light"

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Saying that the audience at that moment went wild was an understatement, there were a lot of people out of their seats screaming as much as their lungs allowed them to. There were some so excited that they started to spill saliva by accident. While others could be seen claiming money from others at their side, it seemed that even this amazing return was a reason to wager.

While Izuku was air banging his head more than in a rock and roll concert. Momo was screaming just as much as everyone else, after all the blame that was and still is attacking her, it was a good relief to witness the come back of (Y/N), it put her mind a little bit at ease. Tsuyu was waiting for the winner of this battle, she wanted to be one of the first to congratulate him.

At the battlefield, the Pink girl that was out of bounced, glued to the wall of the stadium. That last attack really was powerful, as the concrete was a little bit destroyed when she finally fell to the ground.

Mina: "Ouch!" She said in slow motion in a comical remark to witness as she was finally resting her whole body on the floor of the stadium.

Although (Y/N) was congratulating himself in his mind for a well done plan, completing this task was something to be proud of, considering all the risks and sacrifices that he made until this point. He realized that he could have gone a little bit overboard with the last finisher. So, in a kind demonstration of sportsmanship, he walks to the lying girl.

(Y/N): "Are you okay, Mina?" He had a little awkward sweat drop going the side of his face, as he knew the kind of stupid question he was asking right now. But he needed to be completely sure.

Mina: "Define "Okay" ?" She had her face muffled, her mouth was covered by the ground as she was face down. But it was clearer than crystal to infer that she was quite alright if she could still make sarcastic remarks in this situation.

(Y/N) har raised her head just a little bit above the ground to inspect her. But after that comment he just simply placed her face back into the ground in a really comical way.

(Y/N): "Come on, Mina. Let's get you to Recovery Girl." He got underneath her to give her a little bit of support to make it to the infirmary. "The bandages! The bandages! Be careful with the bandages..." He reminded her that even though he was helping her, he was in a worse condition than her. Although, this was more of a joke than anything else.

Mina: "You just hit a pretty girl..." She breathes out with a good laugh. "How are you going to compensate me?" She wanted to make the most out of this situation, let the chivalry be the one to speak for him.

(Y/N): "How about not dropping you right here and now?" He already realized what she was aiming for with this poor attempt of winning something out of the fact that she just lost.

Mina: "How about some boots and a purse that I saw at the mall the other day?" She was smiling evilly, mischief was written all over her face. "That would really make my day!"

(Y/N): "Let's exchange the roles! If you had beaten me up, would you compensate me?" He asks in hypothetical situations where the situation was the complete opposite. "With... I don't know... with some food at the very least..." He wanted to make his point across.

Mina: "Probably not..." She said as a matter of fact.

(Y/N): "But you wanted me to buy you some accessories..." He looked at her with a comical angry glare. It was something to laugh about.

Mina: "Well... I mean... yes, but..." She tried to formulate something in return so she wasn't defeated in this argument.

(Y/N): "Then you make daddy a sandwich..." It was obvious the reference he was pulling right now.

Dark and Black (My Hero Academia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now