Chapter 13: "The Race is on!!! The Sports Festival Finally Begins!!!

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It was the most beautiful cat I have ever lay my eyes on, she was biting the skeleton of a fish that was on the trash can. I approach it a little out of instinct when she saw me coming, the kitten reach for me with no fear on herself, as she started to rub herself in my leg. I took her with my healthy hand as I carry her like a baby on my chest.

(Y/N): "Where did you come from, little cutie?" I started to examine her, she had no collar on her neck. "You don't have an owner? You must have one, don't you?" The cat look at me on the eyes as she didn't know what was I talking about. "It's hard to believe that you don't have one, your fur is so clean and soft. And your claws are so thin, you can't really expect me to believe that you are a stray cat, right?" I playfully reach my face near her as she reaches her tiny paws to my nose. I giggle with her actions, letting it on the floor as I started walking once again.

As I got out of the alley, each step I took there was a clicking sound of something hitting against the pavement behind me. When I turn around, it was the same black kitten from before, she was following me.

(Y/N): "No, little girl you cannot come home with me." I said as I pointed out to the alley for her to go, then I proceed to follow my way once again, but the same sound repeated once again. The cat was still following me, so I started to run so I could lose her. As I run through a couple of streets, stopping abruptly in a right turn. I examined where I came from, and I didn't see her. "Uff, I think I finally lost her." The next thing I see when I turn it was the same cat.

(Y/N)'s Mind: "How the hell does that even work? She was behind me!!!"

(Y/N): "I already told you, you can't come with me!" When I said it the head of the little kitten seem to fall and she started to slowly move back where we came from. My heart was shotted with an arrow of sadness and guilt. The eyes of a cat were spilling tears. It was then and there when I knew I understood... THAT I AM WEAK." You know what...Oh, what the hell..." I kneel in front as I extended my arms to the side wide with a big smile plastered on my face.

The cat run a full speed towards me, propelling herself upwards and landing on my chest as I hug her. I got up and the little kitten lay on my shoulders, as she rub her head against my neck. And we resume our way home.

(Y/N): "Now that I think about it, you will need a name." The kitten simply meows as an affirmation. "Mimcy?" She didn't seem to like it. "Ratri?" She literally smacks my face with her tiny paw. "Then, how about Neftis?" She licked my neck as a response. "I would take that as a "Yes."

As we walked, there was a TV store just by my side with multiple monitors with different new going on. The first one was one fire villain that was attacking and burning a set of apartments, the second one was about the escape of Vihara Headgear from his prison and attacking an elementary school. The third one was about the kidnappings of children in different hospices. With just those three news was enough to end all my good mood, the same stories are constantly repeated; the villains make their own, cause disasters, and people suffer for it. Even with heroes in action, the crime rate continues to rise like the foam. It always seems that things get worse in this town.

I diverted my gaze from the televisions, concentrating my vision in the sunlight beyond the horizon. I could see the moment of harmony and peace at that instance of silence and harmony when the sun was setting. It was when I moved my eyes to one of the big billboards of the city, there was an image of the heroin known as Angelus, with a phrase next to it that said: "Light can be found even in the darkest moments."

It was at that moment that I remembered the words of All Might.


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