Day 257 ☺️💜

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This is the end of Day 257 for me and I have to say, this kdrama "Legend of the Blue Sea," is another all-time favorite of mine. So far, I think out of everything I've seen, this has my favorite ending ever. ☺️💜

Honestly, I put it off for such a long while because I didn't think I'd like the concept. I thought it would be too cheesy. But man, I was wrong.

The romance is not the only thing that carries this show, even if it's really one of the best. ☺️💜 I also thought the supporting characters were great, and the story and the world they built were both executed very well. ☺️

I highly recommend for kdrama fans to watch this show, when you have a chance. I know there's a lot going on in our country, in our world right now, but it was just nice to watch a show (which I spent at least a week doing) that ended on such a good note. ☺️💜

Anyway, that's enough of my nerdiness for today. I hope you guys will take care of yourselves during this time. ☺️💜 I love you guys, and hope you guys love or will come to love yourselves, too. ☺️💜 Have a good night, my friends. ☺️

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