Day 163! :D

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This is the end of Day 163! It's been a pretty great day, aside from going through that time of month not even two weeks after the last one. 😅

But anyway, if you didn't know, I am a HUGE fan of Korean culture. I love just about everything that comes with it: K-pop, Kdramas, and Korean food. 😆 So, since I like it a lot, I decided to start learning the language, too!

And that's why I love myself. This app called Eggbun is really helpful to me so far in my quest to learn Korean, even though I've only been using it for a couple of days! I hope to keep working hard so I can accomplish what I want to. 💜💜

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great night and sweet dreams! I love you guys, and hope you love or will come to love yourselves, too! 💜💜

Love: Yourself ChallengeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora