Extra p. 10: Resilience and Appreciation ☺️💜

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To be honest, when I first saw that my story went from #1, #2, and then dropped to #10 in the "autobiography" category, I felt quite sad, at first. But then, I realized, "If I let numbers affect me, I would have stopped doing the Love: Yourself Challenge a long time ago."

Because that's how it was in the beginning for me. A lot of people supported me when I said I was coming back with this challenge. But then, the number of people liking my posts began to drop. But. .even if that was true, I kept going with the Challenge because I enjoyed making the posts. 😊 I enjoy posting so much that now, I make more posts than necessary! 😆

And now, some of the people that have been supporting me since Day 1 are still here, but I've also received support from people I haven't talked to in so long, and I appreciate it so much. 😊💜💜💜

So, with this in mind, even though I did become sad about the ranking, I won't stop writing this story. 😊💜 Because who knows? Maybe, I will gain even more support than before. But even if I don't, I'm still happy and thankful to the people who are supporting me now. ☺️💜

Anyway, I hope you guys are having a great day! I love you guys, and hope you guys will stay healthy during this time! 💜💜💜

Love: Yourself ChallengeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant