Day 185 💜💜💜

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This is the end of Day 185! I'm feeling so much better than yesterday. 💜💜💜

I played basketball with Ashley, Tony, and Tre, walked to the grocery store, played video games, and had a lot of fun today. ☺️💜 It was pretty great! 💜💜

Anyway, I wanted to talk about this today. I hope it's not happiness that you will strive for in life. Because, to be frank, happiness is temporary. Happiness can easily be broken by the smallest of things: something not going how you wanted it to, a relationship, a bad day. Things like that.

However, joy is so much different. Joy gives you hope. Joy is what makes it easier to make it through the hard times, and joy is everlasting. 💜💜💜

So, let's hope everyone will receive joy not just during this time, but in life as well. Because having joy is the most beautiful emotion anyone can experience. 💜

Joy is like a rainbow after the rain. Joy is like the light at the end of the tunnel. Even if you feel lost and scared, joy reminds us we can always find a solution and that we will come out more beautiful than how we started. 💜💜💜 So please, seek to find joy, not happiness, especially during times like these. ☺️💜

With that, I hope you guys have a great night and sweet dreams. 💜💜💜 I love you guys, and hope you love or will come to love yourselves, too. ☺️💜💜💜

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