Extra p. 8: Secret Reveal

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I'm sorry. I'm sweaty and my hair is frizzy. But anyway, this next letter will probably shock a lot of people, whether we are close or not. 😅

To my Autism:

Yes, that's right. I was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism when I was two. My aunt Jeanette was the first one to notice you.

You won't be on my medical records, but my family nor I were able to leave Florida until my dad retired from the military because of you.

For the longest time, I kept you as a "dirty" little secret. I made you that way. I was too ashamed to tell others, and I was bullied in Kindergarten because of you.

But now, I am not afraid of speaking about you anymore. You are the reason I am who I am today. 😊💜

We've been through a lot of ups and downs together, and I did not treat you the best. I was so ashamed that for the longest, I labeled myself as, "A regular individual with awkward tendencies."

That's actually the best way to describe myself to others who don't understand, but it doesn't include you. However, that is changing today. Today and from now on, I am "An individual with Autism that has and will continue to defy people's perceptions of me." 💜💜💜

I like that a lot better because it's more accurate! Hmm. .people didn't believe I'd be successful. Look at how far I've come, once I started having faith in myself. 💜

People didn't think I'd graduate from middle school and college. I've done both. People, including myself, thought I'd settle with a job that I was not happy at. I proved us all wrong.

I am nowhere near where I want to be now, but I am doing a lot better, and you have been by my side through everything. Seriously, I love you, and thank you for being part of me. 💜💜 Together, I hope we will continue to prove people wrong, and go places further than we have ever dreamed. 💜💜💜

Again, I love you, and thank you for everything you've done for me. 💜💜 Let's keep growing and making beautiful memories together. 💜💜💜

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