Day 255

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So, let me start by saying Day 255 has been a really great day! I've started trying to educate myself more about the history of our black community because I want to be a better ally. I know I am privileged in many ways. I don't have to fear walking down the street when I hear police sirens. I can breathe without having anxiety that it will be my last.

While I know these things, I want to be part of the beautiful change that is starting to take place. I want to show all of my brothers and sisters, regardless of their background or skin color, that I love all of them and I support them, and that starts with educating myself on the things I've been ignorant about.

With that said, though, when you call yourself a Christian, you have to genuinely show it everyday. And @drewbrees , I know you have done many great things for the city of New Orleans. You've donated $5Million for COVID-19 Relief, you've given the city hope, and for the longest, I was inspired by your huddles with your teammates because I truly thought the brotherhood was there. But today, you reminded me, "Good works alone can't get you into Heaven," when you said you found kneeling during the national anthem disrespectful.

Like I said before, I will never truly understand what the black community is going through, but as a Christian, you can't call someone a brother or a sister if you choose to not hear nor understand their voice. You can't call someone a brother or sister if you don't show them love and support, especially when they need you more than ever. And your teammates, your brothers, they needed you to rally with them. But today, you left them.

So, Drew, and any other Christians out there that missed the point of @kaepernick7 message, you have not only broken my heart, but you have also made it harder for us that are Christians to be trusted during this time. This action today won't be forgotten, but I truly hope that with other Christ Followers, we will be able to support our black brothers and sisters full-heartedly, and show them what true love looks like.

Anyway, I love you guys, and hope you love or will come to love yourselves, too. Have a good night, my friends. 💜

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