Chapter 23 and Chapter 24

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Chapter 23

Taking a buttock in each hand, I gently squeezed and pulled them apart. My thumb strayed to touch the pucker of her anus which twitched as she let out a loud squeal. Pulling herself away from me immediately, she pivoted on her heels.
"Please don't. Not yet! We haven't even had sex yet, and I'm a..."

Deflated but not put off, I pulled myself up from the floor using the bed. I knew exactly what she would say but had to ask anyway.
"Are you a virgin?" I started.
"Y...yes I am. I hope that doesn't put you off or make you think I'm a prude. I just want the time to be right."
"Not in the slightest."
I gave her a comforting smile and a stroke of her hair before walking over to my wardrobe and picking out a clean shirt and some trousers.
"Are you sure?" Helena sat next to me on the bed as I pulled on a fresh pair of boxers, "I feel like I've led you on."

"It's fine. Honestly!"
And it was. It really was. If this morning just passed was anything to go by, then her intention was for me to be her first. Something not to be taken lightly.
A woman's first time is an incredibly important milestone in their lives. Something that can make or break her opinion of any future romantic liaisons. I certainly wasn't about to ruin my opportunity by coming on too strong, that was for sure.

Chapter 24

I think Helena felt sheepish at spurning my advances. She was sat quietly in deep thought, still naked and fingers interlinked in her lap. Her bottom lip started to tremble and tears threatened to fall down her cheeks at any moment.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop that!" I knelt by her and wiped her eyelids dry, cradling her face in  both hands.
"I... I just want it to be special, y'know" she exclaimed in a hushed tone.
"I know you do, sweetie, and it will be. Trust me!"

After she had composed herself, Helena retrieved her bag and dressed in silence. She went to the bathroom, brushed her hair and then had a pee.
I had perched myself on the sofa and put the television on in the background - not to watch anything in particular, just for a bit of background noise.
A while later Helena emerged from the bathroom looking as fresh as a daisy once more.
"I think I should probably get going,"
I guessed that might be coming. She felt awkward and so did I. I was sure it would pass, but a bit of time was definitely what was needed.
I feigned surprise as I turned around on my seat, "Oh... Okay."
"Yeah, I've got a few things I need to do before mum gets home from work. Are you still going to come round for dinner?"
"Only if you want me to?"
"Well, you probably should. Mum will be expecting you."
Wow. Not the answer I was expecting, but okay. I felt a bit dejected by her response and didn't know quite how to reply.
"Erm, right. I suppose I'll see you later then."
"Yeah. See you later," she responded flatly, gave a small wave and headed out of the door.

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