Chapter 9 and Chapter 10

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Chapter 9

"Well, it appears we have a bit of a situation on our hands, doesn't it?!" Helena exclaimed assertively, yet her eyes told a different story, "Let me in, and we'll have a little chat."
I stepped aside and motioned for her to enter. She brushed past me and into the living room, throwing herself down upon my sofa.
My phone was on the coffee table and before I could get to it, Helena snatched it away and clutched it to her bosom.
"What's the unlock code? I want to see what you caught of me last night, you dirty old man." She fixed me with an expression that was in turn playful as it was disgusted. I couldn't figure out whether she was pissed off with me, flirting with me, wanted to teach me a lesson or a little bit of all three.
"It's biometric. Hang on, wait, I've got to unlock it with my thumb print." She handed me my phone back and I gained access to it before she grabbed it right out of my hands again.
I perched on the other end of the sofa, and peered over as Helena opened the camera roll and selected the most recent item. She watched on, aghast as she saw her shower viewed from my point of view. She tutted and looked over at me, and upon seeing that I was disappointed in myself, placed a hand on my knee.

Chapter 10

"You didn't post this on the internet at all, did you?" She asked me, tilting her head forward as she waited for my reply.
"Dear God, no. That was purely going to be for myself. I don't know what I was thinking. I just..."
Helena stopped me mid-sentence so that she could continue, "Good. That's good. I want to delete it, just to be sure you won't."
I nodded my head in approval. If it was a choice between going to jail or being spared my freedom, I was taking freedom all day long.
Her finger dropped down to the screen and within an instant the video disappeared, and so, however, did my burden of guilt.
"I've got to say, that was some quite steady camera work, though. Shame about the heavy breathing over the top of it."
Giving me a playful wink and a giggle I guessed that was her way of letting me off the hook.
"I haven't told mum. Nor will I, provided I can come over here whenever I want. When you're here, I mean!"
Helena hadn't taken her hand from my knee since finishing watching the video and she gave it a little squeeze before continuing, "She's fantastic and I love her to bits, but she can be a bit overbearing at times. I'm her only kid and she's a single parent, so I suppose she just likes to be protective, but my God it can get too much at times."
"Well, if she's alright with you coming over here then that's fine with me," I answered, smiling softly.
"It's not really up to her now, is it?! I'm eighteen. I can do what I want now!"
"Ha, ha. Fair enough. You've sold me"

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