Chapter 11 and Chapter 12

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Chapter 11

"Changing the subject, that's a pretty awesome swimming pool you've got out in your garden. How did you afford that?" Helena stood up and made her way to the patio door.
Reaching for a stack of magazines and photography books underneath the coffee table, I opened each one at specific pages and articles and directed her attention toward them.
"What am I looking at?" She quizzed.
"I'm a professional photographer. Pick a popular magazine at the moment and guaranteed there's at least one or two sets that I've had a hand in. National Geographic, Vanity Fair, Hello, Cosmo, Men's Health to name but a few."
"Wow. I'm impressed. No wonder you had a steady hand," Helena giggled shyly, "Would I be able to take a dip?"
I nodded my approval and she clapped her hands together with glee.

With that, she exclaimed that she was going back next door to fetch her swimsuit and a towel. After she'd left, I slumped back on the sofa and let out a huge sigh. Of all the ways my mind had conjured the post perving conversation going, this was definitely not one of them.

Chapter 12

Not even ten minutes had passed and Helena returned, skipping merrily through my house. She had a large handbag slung over her right shoulder which swayed violently as she went.
"I'm just gonna use your bathroom to get changed in if that's okay!?" She called out, not even waiting for a reply.
"Knock yourself out."
Thirsty, I went to the fridge and pulled out a Diet Coke for myself. The day had barely begun and already the temperature had started to rise. I could tell it was going to be scorching hot later.
"I'm just getting a Coke. Do you want one?" I called, yet didn't receive a reply. Helena obviously hadn't heard me, so I went down the hallway to call from outside the bathroom. As I got to the door, she'd left it slightly ajar and I could see her naked body once more, hunched over as she went to pull her swimsuit up. The little minx. I could swear she was playing a game with me but didn't want to get caught again, so I went to my bedroom next door and called from there.
"Do you want a coke, Helena? I'm having one." I pretended to be sorting through some paperwork on my desk, not really knowing why I was busying myself but doing it anyway.
"Yes, please!" Came the reply from right behind me. I spun on my heels and saw her standing in the doorway, leant up by her hand.
"Whaddaya think?" She asked, putting her hand on her hip and then giving a twirl. "Am I good enough to be a model?"
"Aren't you going to get changed? I thought you'd have a swim too!"
"Oh did you now? I suppose I could."
"Well..." Helena started, "...STRIP!"

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