Chapter 5 and Chapter 6

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Chapter 5

Helena leant in towards the mirror over the sink, checking her face and neckline and pushing her hair back over her shoulders. She puckered her lips, pouting in that way teenage girls always seemed to do in photos nowadays.
Reaching a hand around to her back she un-pinged her bra and slid her arms out of it, letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts were simply divine. Two mounds, just over a handful each, nestled upon her chest, with nipples the size of pencil tip erasers.
Pulling herself away from the mirror, Helena slid her hands down her body to the waistband of her panties and let them rest there a second before pulling them off.
There she was now. Resplendent in all her glory. Naked as the day she was born and not a blemish in sight. It was almost as if her body had been carved out of the finest alabaster.
She was still turned toward the mirror and I took this opportunity to drink in the sight before me. The long slender arms, the arch of her back, a juicy peach of a bottom. I was in heaven. She was akin to those impressionist paintings you see in old art galleries of nudes bathing themselves in lakes. That was the only way to describe how perfect she appeared.

I could feel myself getting hard again, and my erection pushed eagerly against the crotch of my lounge trousers. I longed to pull it from it's confines, but feared slightly for the consequences were anyone to see me stroking myself outdoors. It wouldn't go down too well with the neighbourhood watch, let's put it that way!

I held off masturbating, but continued to watch. Helena had now pulled her attention away from self-admiration and walked towards the shower by the near window.
My eyes widened. My heart was beating a rumba and I could feel my pulse surge through every inch of my body. My mouth had become dry as I'd forgotten about my beer, and my cigarette, still clutched between my forefinger and middle finger had long since fizzled out, leaving only the butt in it's place.

Chapter 6

I tossed the cigarette into an empty plant pot nearby and quenched my thirst with another sip of beer as Helena stepped under the spray from the shower head. The water cascading off of every curve on her nubile frame, her hair now matted against her shoulders and she tossed it to one side to let the water hit her face full on.

I may not have wanted to masturbate outdoors for fear of getting caught, but I wanted to remember this night, not knowing if I'd ever get an opportunity like this again. I pulled my smartphone from my pocket and opened up the camera app, raising it over my head to afford the best view and footage of what was going on in front of me. It took a while for the camera to focus in such dim light, but once it had I pressed record and started filming.
Helena had reached for the shower creme on a little shelf nearby and also grabbed one of those squishy little things that nearly every woman seems to have in her bathroom. She poured a little of the creme into it and then stood away from the water a short while as she lathered every inch of her naked body in soapy bubbles.
I longed to be in there with her, but this was going to have to do.

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