Chapter 7 and Chapter 8

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Chapter 7

I don't know if I'd made a noise or if it was the luminescent glow from my phone reflecting on my face but as Helena turned her back to the water her eyes suddenly darted down to where I was stood outside. Shit! Has she seen me? I thought, scared.
She bunched up her face, shocked at the invasion of her privacy, and held censoring hands over her breasts and pussy. Yep! She's seen me! She's gonna tell her mum and then I'll be known as the neighbourhood peeping tom. Shit! Shit! Shit!

I scurried off like a frightened mouse back round the corner and into my house. Slumping down on the couch I ran over every scenario I could think of, and none of them were good.
I was bracing myself for an angry knock at the door at any moment that night, yet none were forthcoming. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night - if any - as too many things were racing through my head.
She'd almost definitely tell Lauren, they'd probably call the police and I'd get done for voyeurism, then my life would be over. Was it worth it for about five minutes of footage of a teenage girl washing herself? No. Oh God!

Chapter 8

Morning came, and with it the first light of dawn and the chirping of the birds in the trees, but nothing could assuage my guilt and worry.
I sat at the island in my kitchen with a bowl of cereal and a coffee. The food had no taste so I left half of it. I nursed the coffee but didn't drink it.
The hours seemed to pass like years until, finally, the inevitable knock came at my front door. I looked at my watch - it was only 8.30.
Another knock, and another. I dragged myself down the hallway to the front door to accept my fate.
I opened the door and Helena stood in front of me, arms folded in front of her chest. Lauren was nowhere to be seen, neither was there any sign of the police. I went to speak first, but no matter how I tried, no words would come out.

"I saw you watching me last night, Phil! Did you get a good look?"
"I, uh..." I stuttered.
"Helena. I'm so sorry! I just saw you there in the bathroom and couldn't help myself. You looked so perfect." I finally found my voice, hoping my compliments might dull her anger.
"That's a bit perverted, y'know!?" She replied, looking down her nose at me.
"I know..." I looked down at my feet like a naughty schoolboy, "Does your mum...?"
"No. I haven't told her, if that's what you're worried about. Though maybe I should, I don't know!"
That statement made me feel a little better, but not much. I breathed a sigh of relief nonetheless and looked back into her deep blue eyes.

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