Chapter 21 and Chapter 22

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Chapter 21

"Right. Let's get you inside and dried off shall we!?"
I realised as soon as I'd said that I sounded more like the father of a young child than anything else, but that was not my intention in the slightest.
Helena didn't bat an eyelid, just followed obediently like a cute little puppy.
I grabbed a crisp, warm towel from the airing cupboard and led her back to my room. Not needing any instruction, she slid her out of her soaking swimsuit and kicked it to the floor, playfully placing her hands on her hips as she did so.
Rather than handing the towel to Helena, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started by drying her neck. I could feel her warm breath brush against my bare chest, hear her sigh as she looked on adoringly.
"What kind of photography do you specialise in?" She inquired, scanning my room at the pictures that adorned the walls as I moved the towel down from her neck, to her shoulders and then her perky little breasts.
"Well... all sorts really."
"You must have a favourite though?"
"To be honest, I just go where the money is. You have to in my sort of job, otherwise you end up broke."
"You clearly aren't broke and you obviously get a fair bit of work. Sooo... what's your favourite?"
At this point, I was eager and blurted "Women...", as they were, are and always will be my desired subject to work with, but I didn't want to sound crass and obsessed so I followed it up with a quick "...and nature!"

Chapter 22

Helena fixed me with a winsome glare. I could hear the cogs turning in her head as I knelt down at hip height and continued to dry her.
"Women and nature, eh!?" What about women in nature?"
"Well, that's even better. You can't go wrong with that combination. The only thing that could top that was if food was involved too!"
Being a man, food was definitely the way to my heart and I knew she'd taken note as she looked down at me, nodding and smiling in equal measures.
The blush had come back to Helena's cheeks with a vengeance. The shy and nervous young girl had reappeared.
As I brought the towel towards her legs a little stream of juice twinkled in the light as it leaked out from between her pussy lips. She was wet again and I was desperate to have my wicked way with her.
In a move to slow things down Helena asked me to dry her back. As if that was going to slow things down! Seriously!
She leant against a nearby wall, cranking her neck so that she could look over her shoulder at me.

"No funny business while you're back there, okay!?" There was that down-the-nose look again. I was getting used to it already.
Starting by her shoulders again, I soon moved to the delicate arch of her back and then to the petite peach of her bottom. I was back on my knees again and couldn't resist a touch. It was so tempting! I had to. I just had to!

See me, Feel me. (Erotic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن