Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

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See me, feel me
An erotic novel by P.J. Maxwell

Chapter 1

Helena had only just turned eighteen when I first met her. However, her radiant beauty stunned me almost to the point of silence. She had eyes of the brightest blue, and silky smooth skin, unusual for a girl her age as they almost always bore acne scars. Her hair was the colour of ravens and it bounced vibrantly as she walked up the driveway clutching a big cardboard box to her chest.
Helena was the daughter of my new next door neighbour, Lauren, a bohemian type with fiery red hair and a tie-dyed dress. They looked completely different, mother and daughter, but both had the voices of such meek and mild creatures that you'd be hard pushed to hear them over heavy traffic. They both had a sort of awkward shuffle about them too, almost as if they were inwardly critical of every step they took.
I digress though. When Helena saw me that first time, smoking a cigarette on my porch as I often did during the summer, she smiled shyly and looked down at the box she was transporting. I think I even caught her blushing. Such a smile, I thought. She was so gorgeous and I doubt she even knew it. Waiting to see if she looked again on her return journey to the hired lorry, I casually glanced around like a sentry, trying hard not to make it obvious that I was admiring every soft curve of her young, lithe body. Sure enough, she did glance over again, for a bit longer this time, and as she did, I thought I would make my advance to introduce myself.

"Hi, my names Phil," I said as I approached their driveway, nonchalantly flicking my spent cigarette butt into the road nearby.

"H..hi. I'm Helena," she replied nervously. At that point her mother had come back out of the house and was making a beeline straight for us. Helena's gaze turned to Lauren and I noticed she had the look of someone who had just been caught doing something they possibly shouldn't be.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" Lauren quizzed her now thoroughly mortified daughter.

"Um, yeah, s...sure. Mum this is Phil. Phil this is my mother, Lauren."

"Nice to meet you, Phil," she began, offering her hand to be shaken, "I hope I don't sound rude, but we have a lot to unpack out of this lorry and we need to get it all out today so that I can take it back, otherwise I'm gonna have to fork out even more for it."

She had a valid point. I knew how ruthless that hire companies can be when you go over the specified time, so I could quite see where she was coming from.

"Well, I could help you if you'd like!?"

She looked at me dubiously for a brief moment, as if I had uttered something most foul. But then she turned to glance towards the inside of the vehicle, and, noticing it was still quite full with heavy items, she hesitantly accepted my offer.

Chapter 2

Starting with the big stuff in the back, I began bringing it all out and placing it onto the roadside. Within about an hour and a half I had it all in. Dressers, bedside tables, beds, the lot. It was incredibly strenuous and my back was on fire, but I had done it. Pausing for a while to mop the sweat from my forehead, I decided it best to take off my shirt and let the cool summer breeze brush against me. Both Helena and her mother had been concentrating on the smaller stuff, bags of clothes, boxes of crockery and the like, but had still also managed to break out a sweat. As I came into the kitchen they were knelt on the floor, bent over so that they could have a look at the contents of one of the boxes. They hadn't noticed me at first as I leant against the doorway and my stealth was rewarded with a good look at both of their saturated cleavages.

"God, it's hot out there," I finally piped up, "have you got a glass for some water, in there?"

"!" Lauren replied, trying ever so hard not to make it seem like her eyes were lingering on my glistening torso. "In fact, I think we should probably all have a rest, don't you!?"

With that, we all filled up a glass with some bottled mineral water and went to sit outside in their front garden. Pulling a few open-out picnic chairs from the boot of her Toyota, Lauren handed one to both her daughter and I, and then grabbed another for herself.

"I can honestly say that I think we'd have died if it wasn't for your help, Phil." Exclaimed Lauren in a thankful tone.

"Yeah, thank you Phil." Her daughter added shyly, blushing again as my eyes met hers. Her cute little button nose wrinkled as she blew away an imaginary fly as a distraction.

"Oh, it was nothing. Believe me."

"I can assure you it was a damn site more than nothing!" Lauren laughed, "We'll definitely have to repay the favour once we're settled in. What about dinner round here tomorrow night?"

Chapter 3 (coming soon)

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