Uptown Funk

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Author's Note

Alright the chapter title I don't know why I put it as Uptown Funk, but as I'm wrting to this I'm listening to it, and if you haven't heard the song Uptown Funk, LIKE right now get on youtube and listen to it it's by Bruno Mars, that song is so fun and upbeat and amazing I'm not gonna lie and say it's my favorite song, cause it's not, but the song is amazing just listen to the song, please its very fun and danceable song. Above is Nina Dobrev who plays Sam. Also this is a short chapter. Sorry, \_(''/)_/

Samantha's P.O.V

"Ok." I say.

"What?" They say at the same time.

"Ok, whatever, yea umm well I mean, even if I say, MOM DAD I DON'T WANNA MOVE, were gonna move anyway sooo ok." I explain.

"Okay." They say.

"So where are we moving to?" I ask.

"Austin,Tx." They say.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, my mom is getting sick, and since I'm a doctor I can take care of her." My mother explains.

"Ok." I say.

Your probably wondering, why I'm not crying or sad, well it's because my grandmother, HATES me. Yup, and also Ive only met her twice so I don't really know her.

"Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight mom, goodnight dad. Love you guys." I say.

"Goodnight, we love you." They say.

So I head upstairs, and jump on my bed and stare at the ceiling, Oh I know what a wonderful life I have, but you should try it just lay on your back and look at the ceiling and just let your mind wonder (It actually works). At some point I guess I fell asleep because I was consumed in darkness.

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