Baddest Girl in Town

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Author's Note

Hi! Don't kill me, the song is Baddest Girl in Town by Pitbull, Wisin, and Mohombi. Before you read this chapter just know I put some graphic details in it so if I were you and you don't like graphic detail on how he killed the man I suggest you skip that part. Also if you are sorry. Above or below is a picture of a really cute guy. I have no idea who he is but he is hella cute and he's playing Derek, Caleb's brother. Now, onto what everyone wants the story.

Caleb's P.O.V (Aka the mysterious guy)

My hands ball up into fists as I glare at him.

"What the fuck are you doing here Derek?" I ask angrily.

"Oh, I had to be here. Once you sent out the message you needed someone's help I just had to see my little brother and what he needed help with. And when I found out it was this oh, boy I needed to come." He says chuckling.

"Just Get Out!" I yell holding my hands on my head.

"Why?" He asks titling his head to the side smirking.

"I Want You To That's Why!!!" I shout at him trying to restrain myself.

"Still got the little "Voices" in your head?" He taunts me.

"NO!" I scream at him pacing around the room.

He walks closer to me.

"Stop! Just leave me alone." I whisper.

"No." He says smiling.

And for some reason that two letter word set me off. I ran at him with my bare hands I wrapped them around his neck. We fell onto the ground he started turning blue from the lack of oxygen. I wrap my hands tighter around his neck. No, stop. That voice says in my head. I shake my head. He's your brother please stop. The voice says again. I loosen my hands and let go. He starts coughing and his color soon returns.

"Weak." He whispers.

"Do You Want To Die??!?!" I ask.

He mutters something.

"Speak Up!" I yell in his face.

He mutters it again.

I snap once again.

"I am not weak." I say calmly.

"I'll show you." I say and let him take over.

He took over and I knew that little voice couldn't stop me. I grabbed the knife in my pocket and slashed his stomach open and watched as all guts and insides spilled out onto my floor. I then slit his throat and watched as he choked on his own blood. His eyes flew to the back of his head.

"Oh no. Were not done here." I say as I hit him in the head.

I grabbed a pen off the table and stabbed his eye and yanked it out of his eye and did the same as his screams of agony seemed to cease. I watched as my brother fell to the ground but I felt no remorse for him. I grabbed his body and shoved it in the closet not bothering to clean the mess up as I sat down in the chair in the darkest corner of the room and watched as Samantha woke up and looked at the horror scene in front of her. Blood on the wall. Derek's insides spilled everywhere. A head sticking out of the closet staring straight at her with hole filled eye sockets. She looks around and then spots the pen with both eyes on it. Her breathe catches in her throat when she spots my bloody footprints on the ground leading to my corner. I titled my head not once did she scream. Maybe she's tougher than I thought. I got up out of the seat and walked to her as she sits frozen staring at me. I grab her chin as she looks up at me.

"Anything you'd like to say?" I ask.

"Your the boy in the hall that helped me with my books." She says and her eyes widen.

I smile she remembers. My heart flutters and I return to my body. I look around the room.

"Let's get you out of this room." I offer and take off her chains.

"Who did this?" She says and points around the room rubbing her wrists.

"I did." I smile blushing slightly.

Her face turns into a disgusted one "You?"

"Yes." I say getting angry.

Did she not believe I couldn't do something as amazing at that.

"Oh." She says and her eyebrows scrunch up together.

She thinking of something. He says. Do let her go. I watch her and grab her hand it fits perfectly in with mine. I open the door and pull her out of the room into the living room. I watch as her hands travels into her jacket pocket. I yank her hand away and reach into her pocket to find a knife. I hold it in my hand and tap her nose with it as a frown creeps onto her beautiful face.

"Bad dog." I say.

"I am not a dog." She says and yanks her hands from mine.

"Don't yank your hands from me dog." I say and grab her hands back.

She yanks her hands back away "I do what I want."

"No, you don't." I say calmly.

She scoffs and walks towards the door "Watch me."

She opens the door and takes off her shoes. She walks onto the porch with me following. She turns around and knees me in the nuts.

"You really didn't think your plan through did you?" She asks and grabs the keys out of my pocket.

I look at her legs and find it I poke it with my finger and she hisses. I smirk found it. I grab her leg and squeeze the spot right next to the bullet. She groans and mumbles a quick 'fuck' as she falls to the ground.

"Yea, I guess the adrenaline wore off now didn't it?" I ask pushing the bullets deeper in her legs.

"Stop it." She groans.

"I don't listen to you." I say as I get up and drag her back into the house.

I pick her up and lay her on the coffee table and walk into the kitchen. I grab the sharpest knife and head back into the living room. I stick the knife in the wound and move around the bullet till it comes out. She hisses in pain.

"Awe, does it hurt dog?" I ask guilty for hurting her.

She glares at me "Of course not, why do you think it would hurt?"

"No, need to be a bitch about it." I say and dig the knife into the other wound.

"Ugh." She groans and starts to grab her leg.

I smack away her hands and dig out the bullet and pull it out and through it out with the other one. I grab the bandages as she sits up. I start wrapping the bandages around her wounds as I give her some oxycodone.

"How did you get these?" She says as she looks at the pills.

"Just know I have my connections. Now, get up where going." I say as I grab some gas from under the couch.

I start pouring the gas around the house well, after I handcuffed her arms and legs. I lifted her over my shoulder and carried her out to the car. I set her in the back seat and grabbed a pack of lighters and threw them in the house and light one and threw it and backed away as the house that contained my dead brothers body went up in flames.

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