Ex's and Oh's

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Author's Note

Alrighty, I thought I should clear some things up. James, is the quarterback she meet in the chapter Latch, they were partners. So, that's cleared up. Oh, yea Caleb who could forget Caleb.........anywhore Caleb has serious mental issues so in moments when he does things he doesn't know if there right or wrong. He has this little voice in his head, no its not his conscience, that tells him when wrong stuff is right and if its right well its right and Caleb knows it. He's also very bipolar so one word or thing can set him off very easily. I'm not trying to come off as rude I jut thought you guys should know these things so wouldn't get confused. Also, if you haven't noticed all the main characters are in a gang together. None of them knew Caleb had these problems. Also, this one important thing I don't live in Texas so I know absolute shit about the place, I just go off by what the internet says. I think that cleared up some things right? Also, the guy in the picture is who I imagine as James you guys can imagine him in anyway you like. Oh, one more thing to my peeps just thought I should also clear this up I'm 14 going to be 15 on June 13th so I can't drive yet. Hopefully that cleared up everything if not comment any questions you have or pm any questions you have about me or my story or basically if you just wanna talk I'm ya girl.

Sam's P.O.V

"Wake Up!" Someone rudely shouts in my ear.

I slowly open my eyes to see Caleb.

"Yes bitch?" I frown I hate being woke up.

"Don't call me a bitch you skank." He yanks me up by my hair.

"Why the hair? Why not just pull me of the damn bed you asshole!" I snatch his hand from my hair.

He raises an oh so perfect eyebrow. God damn if he wasn't a psychotic creep and I wasn't in love with Tyler I'd be after him. He clears his throat and looks at me with a smile.

"You were checking me out." He states blushing.

"Yes, I was." I say and get off the bed.

I slowly walk towards him and he backs up and falls down on the bed behind him. I smirk seductively and climb on top of him. He gulps loudly and I laugh mentally. I move my lips to his ear and trail my hand up. I lowly whisper in his ear something barely audible.

"Sike bitch." I grab the keys on the nightstand on the other side of the bed and knee him in the balls.

I jump up off of him and run out the door. I grin and lock the door behind me and run down to the gas station across the road. The door slams open and everyone in the gas station looks at me. I walk back to the bathrooms and lock the door. I wildly search for a window to escape out of.

"Yes!" I screech with joy seeing the one right behind the toilet.

I let the toilet seat down and climb on top of it and slam the window open. I grin widely. I climb out and grab a rock from behind the building and climb back in. I throw the rock at the mirror and the glass shatters. I grab one of the pieces. 'Gotta have a weapon' I leave the glass there in case Mr. Douche tries to come in. He'll get a stabbing surprise. Laughing lightly I climb back out the window. Shattered glass in hand and with my mind set I walk towards the side of the station and tap a person on the shoulder.

"Can I use your phone?" I ask.

Caleb's P.O.V

"Dammit!" I shout punching the door she locked.

I ram into the door causing me and the door to go crashing down. I race to the back of the gas station, pulling my hood up I ask the person on the side of the building for a light. They nod there head and light my cigarette. Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around but keep my head down.

"Can I use your phone?" She asks.

I glance at the glass in her hand. Awe, how cute she thought she was going to get hurt by someone so she thought to get a weapon. She smiles nervously still not noticing it was me. I moved my hand to my pocket acting as if I was getting my phone. I pull out her phone and hand it to her. Her eyes widen in recognition.

"Shit" She mumbles.

"To late." I whisper and raise my fist and punch her in the face knocking her out cold but, not before getting a good cut to my side.

I hiss in pain as the glass falls to the ground. I swiftly catch her before she falls to the ground. Carrying her bridal style back to the car, people stop and stare.

"She was still asleep when I woke up this morning and I didn't have the heart to wake her up." I stare at her and kiss her forehead as she moves slightly.

'Awe' people mutter as I slip her in the backseat and quickly handcuff her hand to the door. I shut the door and get in the drivers seat. Time to get to our new home.

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