I was tagged, so here ya go.

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1) Full name
- I go by Jam but for personal reasons I will not say my full name

2) Current crush
- I won't reveal her name so let's just call her purple bestie for the time being

3) Addiction
- Anime and other Japanese stuff like food

4) Height
- 5'3

5) Relationship Status
- Single pringle

6) Girls I trust
- Kitkat, Grey, *most of the time*, Conn, and Purple Bestie.

7) Boys I trust
- OhMyJosh, and Skyrim (those are nicknames because I won't say their real names)

8/9) Current Mood
- I don't know, I'm decent as of this point in time. Going into freshman year of high school is kinda awesome

10) Favorite Color
- Lavender, don't judge me got it?

11) Confession
- I'm FTM transgender

12) Who I Miss
- Purple Bestie, Kitkat, and Grey

13) Who I Last Hugged
- I think it was either Grey or Purple Bestie, I don't know

14) Who Understands Me
- Purple Bestie and Conn, Purple Bestie for my daily life struggles/being single and Conn for difficult parental acceptance

15) Someone who is Always There For Me
- Purple Bestie

16) Last Text
- Kitkat, Grey, and 6 others, I texted a group chat

17) What Pissed Me Off Lately
- the tiny lines in Japanese letters, I'm learning Japanese and some of the letters have so many frickin tiny details

18) Who Makes Me Laugh the Most
- Purple Bestie, I like her humor when she's describing the challenges of her day

19) Who I do Crazy Stuff With
- OhMyJosh, I helped him lift a 150 pound wooden cable spool into his barn loft for a table with only a pair of gloves and a pulley

20) Who Makes Me Smile
- Purple Bestie, Kitkat, Grey, OhMyJosh, Skyrim, Conn, Anime, and Food (yes, I am well aware that anime and food are not people but they still make me grin)

Okay! Tag time! (I don't know that many people on Wattpad, don't judge me)

AlyWasHere17 GreyMite


Also, Kitkat was the one who tagged me so I'm just giving Snowleopard928 come credit since I mentioned her. (Check her out if you like BNHA fanfics, she's currently writing one with her own OC and I think it's gonna be great)

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