Chapter 22: The Stag, the Wolf, and the Snake

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   It was early in the morning when I awoke to small streams of light flowing through my window and onto my eyelids, forcing me to open them. I squinted my eyes against the sunlight that was now beaming down on my face, it only took a few seconds to adjust.
   With my mind now cleared, I sat up and lightly pushed off my covers, then making haste to the kitchen for breakfast. As I approached the stairs I heard the familiar sound of cereal being poured from the box, I assumed Kitozawa was attempting to make me a morning meal without burning the apartment down.
   "Morning sunshine." Kitozawa said, swiveling his head around to give me a warm smile while pouring milk into what I assumed was my cereal bowl.
   "Mmmn" was all I could reply with while I shuffled my way onto a barstool. It wasn't very graceful given that my size wasn't much in comparison to the chair.
   "Are you awake? You look like you're halfway in between conscious and unconsciousness." He said, sliding my bowl towards me over the counter.
   "No, I'm awake. I just had a really strange dream and it hasn't gone away just yet." I said, picking up my spoon and shoveling some cereal into my mouth.
   "What was the dream about?" Kitozawa asked, plopping down into the stool beside me.
   "I was in a clearing of white lilies amidst a great oak forest, everything was so green and vibrant against the blue sky. Before me stood a tall stag, his rack coated in flowering moss and his fur so white it could've blinded me. Then, behind me was a dark furred wolf. I saw no hatred or menace in it's eyes while it looked at me, all I saw was loyalty. That was when I realized that the wolf wasn't looking at me, but at the stag across the clearing. The wolf could see right through me as if I did not exist in the first place. My attention was drawn away from the two when a third creature appeared, a snake, slicing through the grass and flowers, heading toward the stag. The snake had struck the stag and the flowers started to wither and bleed, sinking into the ground and killing the trees along with everything else but the three creatures in the clearing. The stag had now disappeared, leaving only the wolf and the snake in the field of death. The snake just lay still, glaring at the wolf with it's golden, pleasure filled eyes. And it did nothing as the wolf ended it's life by decapitating it, and watching as the body jerked around before finally lying still in the field of brown grass." I explained to Kitozawa, finishing off my cereal and turning to him.
   "Hmm, that is a very odd dream." He said, meeting my gaze. "Do you know what happened to the stag?"
   "No, I don't remember. He just disappeared, I don't know what happened after the wolf got rid of the snake or if the stag had survived the venom." I said, turning back to my bowl. "I wonder if it meant something. Like, a vision of some sorts."
   "I don't know, but whatever it is just be glad you're not the deer." He said, beaming at me. I returned his gratitude by grinning back and putting my dish into the sink to clean later.
   "We should get ready, class starts in half an hour." I said, stopping by Kitozawa and kissing him before walking upstairs to change.
   I chose to wear another set of casual clothes, dark grey jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red and black plaid jacket that I tried around my waist. I walked out of my room and into the bathroom down the hall to do my hair.
   What I saw in the mirror surprised me a little, my horns had grown larger and had started to curl back into an arch. My tail had also grown a bit longer and there was more fur covering the black stinger at the end.
   'Hm, I wonder if my stinger actually contains poison? I would assume I am immune to it but how could I test that without risking hurting someone in the process? I guess I'll have to wait for a good time, I don't know what lies in store for me in the future and maybe it could be of use.' I thought, running my index finger around the side of my right horn.
   "Oi, babe we gotta go! You don't wanna be late for class!" Kitozawa called from downstairs.
   "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming Toza!" I called down the stairs while I stuffed my tail into my pants and walked out of the bathroom.
   "At this rate, I might have to carry you bridal style and run to the car." He said, tossing me a black baseball cap. I caught it and put in on.
   "I might have to resort to making a headband to go around my horns and make up and excuse that I wear it everyday because it looks cool." I said, pulling on my navy blue converse.
   "Actually, that could work. We just need a headband and some cloth to wrap around the base of each horn to make it look like they're attached to the headband even though they don't line up." Kitozawa said, taking his keys out of the bowl on the bookshelf beside the door. "C'mon, let's go."
   I reached for his hand, placing my palm in his and intertwining my fingers with his and walking into the elevator. We stayed like that until Toza pulled up beside the school to drop me off before parking his car in the lot.
   I quickly kissed him before getting out of the car and walking to the building, my backpack slung over my shoulder. When I got to the door I saw Hayato leaning peacefully against the brick wall beside it. 'Was he... waiting for me?' I thought, walking up to him.
   "Oi, Hayato, wake up." I said, nudging his leg with my foot. He opened his eyes and moved his head to look at me.
   "Oh, hey, I was waiting for you. What did Kitozawa think about the 'starting over' idea?" He said, getting off the wall.
   "He didn't like the idea very much but he accepted my offer because he knew I had pure intentions. Just, don't be too harsh on him, okay? He still doesn't know how to feel about you since you did send me to the hospital over a month ago." I replied, giving him a weak smile.
   "Yeah, I guess you're right. It sounds like you found yourself a good one, how'd you meet?" Hayato asked as we walked inside together.
   We talked all morning until the bell rang and we headed in different directions to class. It was the start of a new friendship, and I had a good feeling about it.

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