Chapter 28: Truth or Dare

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   "Okay, Hayato's up first." I said, turning to Hayato.
   "Fine. Kitozawa, truth or dare?" He asked, looking over at Toza.
   "Dare." He replied, looking extremely calm.
   "Bold move, I dare you to lick Takahashi." Hayato said, a smug grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. Horrified, I looked over at Toza right before he licked my neck.
   "Ack!" I fell backwards onto the floor and glared at Toza, wiping the saliva off my neck.
   "Hiro, truth or dare?" Toza said, sitting back in his spot.
   "Truth." Hiro answered. Toza had a mischievous look on his face now, and I knew he was about to ask Hiro something really embarrassing.
   "Tell me what happened the entire day when you'd first met Hayato." Toza said, curiously looking at Hiro. Hayato looked mortified and his face was really red.
   "3 months ago, our parents had left the house for a business trip that morning, so my sister decided to throw a party that evening. She invited her boyfriend but her boyfriend had to bring his brother, Hayato, because their mother didn't want to deal with him that day. I didn't like parties so I chilled by myself in the corner while everyone else was having a good time. Hayato noticed me by myself and decided to talk to me since we both had nobody to talk to. At some point we both drank some of the punch without realizing it was spiked and got drunk, next thing I know I wake up in the morning with a major hangover and Hayato asleep beside me." He answered, without hesitating.
   "Hiro! You didn't have to tell them that!" Hayato yelled, covering his face with his hand and looking down and the floor.
   "WHOAA, TMI HIRO!" I laughed, Toza was equally shocked but also laughing. Hiro now looked a little embarrassed.
   "Takahashi, truth or dare?" Hiro asked, I didn't realize he was planning revenge until I had already answered.
   "Dare." I said, then wishing I had chosen truth instead.
   "I dare you to remove your hoodie and shirt until the end of the game." He said, smirking and winking at Toza. I felt my face heat up and I started to panic. 'If I take off my hoodie they'll see my horns and if I take off my shirt they'll see the marks left from Toza this morning!' I started to sweat a little.
   "U-umn... can I skip this one?" I stuttered. Toza understood exactly what I meant and gave me the 'tell them' look.
   "Never mind, I'll do it, but on one condition. You cannot turn me into the authorities or area 51, got it?" I said, looking at Hayato and Hiro who gave me weird looks.
   "Uh, okay???" They both said, exchanging looks. I let out a nervous exhale before forcing my shaking hand to lift off my hoodie.
   I pulled it over my head and set it on the floor beside me, I couldn't bring myself to look them in the eyes so I forced myself to keep my head down. I waited for a gasp, someone yelling 'what the hell', or even the sound of someone running out of the room to get away from me but it never came.
   I looked up, terrified of what I would see when I did. Both Hayato and Hiro were staring, wide eyed, and silent. The only movement for a long time was Hayato rubbing his eyes in disbelief.
   "So, that's it? How long are you planning to stay silent for? You're not even going to bother asking me what's going on?" I asked, looking back and forth between Hiro and Hayato.
   "I feel that it'd be rude to ask this, but am I really seeing this right?" Hiro spoke, blinking a few times.
   "Yes, you are. I don't know much more than you do but I can try to explain if you'd like." I replied, trying to stay calm.
   "Is... there more I should see before I start to ask my questions?" Hayato asked, barely audible. I remembered my tail was still tucked in my pants so I pulled that out as well.
   "You may now ask as many questions as you want, there's nothing more I can show you." I said, twitching my tail.
   Immediately after I said that both Hiro and Hayato started spitting out questions at the same time, making my ears hurt.
   "OI, cut it out! You're overwhelming him!" Toza yelled, silencing the two. "Hayato, you go first."
   "D-did you grow those? I don't remember you having them before the incident last month." He asked.
   "Yes." I replied.
   "Was it painful to grow them?" Hiro asked, reaching forward to touch my horns.
   "Yes. I grew them within a few weeks after getting discharged from the hospital." Hiro ran his hand over my left horn, I sat there and let him.
   "How did they grow?" Hayato asked, looking down at my twitching tail.
   "My horns grew like any other, but my tail had developed underneath my skin and eventually cut through it."
   "H-" I already knew he was going to ask how my tail managed to cut through my skin so to answer the question I unsheathed my stinger from underneath the fur.
   "I don't know if it contains poison or not, but that was how it broke through my skin. It's connected to my spine and feels just like another extension of my body. If you haven't noticed already, my canines are grown out more than usual and my pupils are slightly slitted. I inherited this gene from my mother and my father was human. I am not a fairy or mythical creature, and I don't eat people's souls. Does that answer all of your questions?" I asked, glaring at Hayato and Hiro with a slightly annoyed look.
   They both nodded and I decided to ask if we could continue the game as before, ignoring the fact that I was obviously not completely human.
   "Now, can we continue the game like normal? I would rather not sit here all evening with you two staring at me like I'm a carnival animal." I snapped, crossing my arms in annoyance.
   "You'll get used to if sooner or later, just don't stare. It would bother him." Toza said to Hayato and Hiro, giving me a warm smile.
   "Right, easier said than done. But you still haven't removed your shirt, Takahashi~" Hiro said, making me blush a little.
   "Damn, I forgot about that." I muttered, and pulled off my t-shirt.
   "Are those... hickeys?" Hayato erupted into laughter and Hiro followed along with him. I was still annoyed but also partially glad that we'd gone back to normal.
   "Toza, truth or dare?" I growled, turning to Toza.
   "Dare." He said, smirking. I was about to wipe that smug grin off his pretty face.
   "I dare you to show us your browser history." I said, Hiro and Hayato both started teasing Toza about what we'd find in his phone. Toza pulled his iPhone out of his back pocket and handed it to me. I went into google and looked into his recent searches with Hayato and Hiro both looking down at the screen.
   When I scrolled down I saw 'how to ask someone out' and started laughing.
   "Pfft, Toza you actually didn't know how to ask me out?!" I was now laughing twice as hard. Toza looked utterly embarrassed, his head turned to the side.
   "I didn't know how you'd react if I just popped the question one day, so I looked it up. I eventually just gave up and asked a friend for advice." He said.
   "Hey, it's alright. I'm glad you asked me out, because if you hadn't we wouldn't be here right now." I leaned over, placing my hand over his left cheek. He looked up at me and gave me a warm smile, but Hayato just had to ruin the moment.
   "Hah, gaaayyyyyyyy!" I whipped my head around and gave him a death glare, unsheathing my stinger. He cringed and backed away, making me lower my tail and sit back down on the floor.
   "You'll have a lot more to worry about then my tail if you ruin any more moments with my boyfriend, am I clear?" I asked, on the verge of snapping.
   "C-crystal clear." Hayato said, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around himself. Hiro just sat back and watched as I backed down. I had a feeling he knew I wasn't actually going to hurt him, because I saw no fear or malice in his eyes. He just pushed up his glasses and smirked.
   "You found yourself a keeper, Kitozawa. Kid's got fire." Hiro said, folding his arms. This made Toza grin.
   "Damn right I did." He said, and put his arm over my shoulder. I couldn't help it, I let out a low purr, making Hiro, Hayato, and Toza turn and look at me.
   "I-I can't help it, okay?! It's not my fault he makes me purr!" I said, looking down at the carpet.
   "That... was fricking adorable. Takahashi, since when did that start happening?" Hayato said, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
   "Uhh, since this morning?" I replied, not sure how to react to Hayato's sudden interest in my nature.
   I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, reading 2:15pm. We would probably head home around 6, If not a little later.
   "So, what now?" I said, catching Toza staring at my bare chest. I elbowed him and he played it off cool as if he weren't ever staring in the first place.
   "Well, I guess the game's over. What should we do now?" Hiro asked, looking at me, then Toza and Hayato.
   "We could watch a movie, play video games, or you guys could stay overnight and we could just talk?" Hayato suggested.
   "How about all three?" I said. "It'd be fun to have a pillow fight or something."
   "Alright, I don't have any better ideas so we might as well." Hayato said, laying down on his back with his hands under his head.
   "Great, what should we do first?"

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