Chapter 24: The Knock at the Door

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This chapter contains references to sexual things, so if you're smart enough to figure out what I was referring to and you don't feel comfortable with it, then it's your loss because this chapter is quite important. And I don't do smut, so you're safe from X rated content.

   Class had now finished, Kitozawa and I made our way through the large crowd and out the doors of the school. The sun was still high in the sky, it shone brightly and I squinted against it's light. Within seconds my eyes had adjusted, and I was no longer blinded by the sun.
   "Sumi, you kinda remind me of a kitten sometimes, y'know?" Kitozawa said, playing with a strand of my hair.
   "Nothing screams kitten right now more than you, you're the one playing with my hair." I said, smirking as he continued to wrap a lock of my hair around his index finger.
   "I mean the way you look, sometimes how you act I guess, but it's mainly the looks." He replied, opening the door of his car for me.
   "What do you mean by looks? I don't look like a cat at all." I said, climbing into my seat. Kitozawa got in next to me.
   "Your eyes, the tiny fangs you have, and your personality all match that of a cat's." He said, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot.
   "Huh? Fangs? I don't have fangs, what are y-" Kitozawa turned the rearview mirror towards be and I immediately saw what he was talking about.
   "F-FANGS?!" I exclaimed, looking closer in the mirror to get a better look. They weren't very long, but just enough to peek through my lips when I closed my mouth.
   "How am I gonna hide these?!" I turned to Kitozawa, shooting him a questioning look.
   "I guess you'll need to play it off cool for the time being and act like you're cosplaying." He said, not tearing his gaze from the road.
   "Aww, my life just keeps getting worse and worse." I said, slouching back into my seat. "At least I've got you, though." I mumbled, the words were barely audible but somehow Kitozawa noticed I had said something.
   "What was that? I couldn't hear you, can you repeat what you just said?" He asked, grinning as he watched the road.
   "It was nothing, just me muttering nonsense." I said, looking out the side window.
   "It didn't sound like nothing." Kitozawa replied, smirking. I knew he was up to something, and if I didn't tell him, Toza was bound to make me tell him no matter the cost. But I wasn't about to share that information, so I was determined to take it to my grave.
   "Let it go, Toza-san. Do you really want to hear me rambling on about all the things that went wrong in my life?" I asked, silently dreading that he wouldn't catch my minor lie.
   "That wasn't what you were muttering about, now was it?" He retorted, looking over at me with the most mischievous grin of all time. It was petrifying.
   "Y-yes, it was. I was s-spouting nonsense and now I don't really... remember what I just said..." he caught me, practically erased my mind just by looking at me with that intense gaze. And I found myself unable to look away. Every inch of my mind was now filled with him.
   "Are you sure you don't want to tell me? Because, I have ways to make you talk against your own will." He said, turning back to the road ahead of him.
   "Y-yes, I mean n-no, I d-don't... want to tell you." I stuttered, only making me regret telling him even more.
   "Okay, I can wait." He said, focusing on the road again. I was uneasy, a little sweat beginning to bead on my forehead.
   'How long was he planning to wait?' Was all I could think of as we drove the rest of the way and into the parking garage.
   Shaking like a leaf, I managed to walk through the lobby, into the elevator, and down the hall to our apartment. I was terrified of what would happen when we got inside, should I make a run for it? Jump out the window and climb down the fire escape? Or should I just face my fears and not do anything?
   I stepped inside and heard the door click shut behind me, so I decided to make a run for it.
   I slipped off my sneakers, hung up my coat, took out my tail and bolted for the stairs. But my escape plan was ruined when Kitozawa caught the back of my shirt and tossed me onto the sofa. Not a second later, Kitozawa was already looming over me. I was pinned to the couch.
   "I'll give you two options, the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, is that you could tell me what you have been trying to avoid telling me and I let you go. Or the hard way, I torture you until you talk." He said, making my heart race at nearly a hundred beats per second.
   I didn't respond, I had no idea what to say but if he was planning what I think he was I would've won. He must've forgotten about the third date rule.
   "I see, I guess you chose the hard way then." Kitozawa said, bending over and nibbling on my ear. He moved from my ear and down to my lips, kissing me passionately and slipping his tongue in. I was getting so caught up in the heat of the moment that when he pulled away I wanted more.
   "I'll continue if you tell me what you said back in the car..." he said. That was when I heard the doorbell ring and Kitozawa got off me with an annoyed look on his face. I sat up to see who was at the door but the second Kitozawa had opened it he immediately shut and locked the door. Just after he had turned away the doorbell rang repetitively. Kitozawa now looked enraged, he spun around to face the door again.
   "What do you want, Mizuki?!" He snapped, stopping in front of the door.
   "Now, now, little brother. Is that any way to treat your own kin when they come to visit?" I heard a male say on the other side of the door.
   'Brother? Could this be Kitozawa's rich older brother who runs the virtual reality company?!' I thought, peeking over the back of the sofa to get a better look.
   "Yes, now I expect you to leave before I call security." Kitozawa growled, beginning to walk back over to the sofa where I was currently sitting.
   "You still owe me for the money I lent you to pay for those medical bills, the least you could do is let me in just this once." I heard the person say from the other side of the door. Kitozawa cursed under his breath and walked back over to the door, unlocked it, and swung the door open.
   The man on the other side of the door was the same height as Kitozawa, he had long black hair that draped over his shoulders and liquid gold eyes that could melt anyone that looked into them. He was wearing a finely tailored grey tux and a gold chain to match his eyes, topping off the look with polished black shoes.
   "Nice to see you again, brother." The man in the doorway said, giving him a malicious look.
   And then his gaze landed on me. From that moment, I knew... this was about to be a long ride.

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