Chapter 1: Off to a "great" start

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   Ever since I turned 16 yesterday, I can't help but feel burdened by my knowledge. I mean, It's not a walk in the park watching both of your parents get murdered 5 feet away from you but it's a whole different matter learning that you're half demon and puberty is right around the corner.
   It's been 10 years since I came to live in the orphanage and I've had enough, I've worn these bruises and scars like tattoos for the longest time and I think it's time to let them heal.
   I couldn't hear the sound of my sneakers hitting the asphalt as I ran blindly down the street, everything was a blur. The moon was only a white dot in a sea of navy canvas, and I was merely a reflection on the surface. The truth is, I don't know what I'm running from. My problems? My fears? Or maybe it was the realization that I can't see past my own reflection and down into the darkness of the ocean.
   I stopped and waited for the walk sign to turn green before continuing across the road. After what seemed like a lifetime of walking I found myself standing in front of a cafe.
   "I guess it couldn't hurt to grab a pastry and a latte before setting off again." I said quietly to myself. That was when I heard a car zoom past and splash a gallon of gutter water all over my cotton t-shirt. I guess this is life's way of telling me to get my ass inside that cafe and warm up before I get pneumonia.
   It was a charming little cafe, inside there was a couple potted plants on either side of the door, a bar table right in front of the window, a tiny counter where the cash registers were, and a few tables along the walls and in the center of the room. The air was warm and the whole building smelled of freshly baked raspberry bread and lemon poppy seed muffins.
   I ordered a Carmel latte and a cherry filled pastry, then sat down in front of the window to watch the people walk by in the rain. I ate my fill and slowly began to feel my consciousness slip away until I was submerged in the dark.
   There was a light tapping on my shoulder, I tried shrugging it off but after a few seconds the tapping came back. I opened my eyes, damn it's bright outside and... is that a person? Wait a minute, who is this guy and why is he so close to my face?
   "Oy, wake up. You're gonna be late for class." He said. I rubbed my eyes.
   "Do I know you? You look oddly familiar." I said.
   "Right, sorry. My name's Kitozawa Shinjiro, I sit behind you in Art Class. Now I'd suggest you get up, or you'll be late for first period."

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