Chapter 16: Prepping for a First Date

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   I wake up to something extremely heavy on my chest, I guess that dream of being crushed by a rock still hasn't gone away yet. And then I looked down.
   "Uughh, Kitozawa get offff! You're squishing me!" I said, trying to roll him off of me.
   "Nuuuu, just 5 more minutes...." he says, moving his hand up my shirt.
   "H-hey! Stop touching me there, you perverted old man!" I said, finally managing to get out from under him. Yesterday, we ended up making takoyaki at home and binge watching anime for the rest of the evening. And after that we ended up passing out on the sofa.
   "Get up, I'm taking you out today." I said, yanking his blanket off and yeeting it over to the other section of the couch.
   "I thought I was taking you out?" He said, sitting up and slouching against the back of the sofa.
   "And I thought you were too tired to process that." I said, making my way over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
   I ended up making riceballs since it was easy and I wanted to save up an appetite for when I take Kitozawa out for dinner.
   I had a whole day planned, first I'd take him to an aquarium, then I wanted to drag him off to a movie and eat dinner somewhere of his choosing afterwards.
   The only problem with that was that I still only had $195 left in my 'ziplock bag of cash' and I didn't know if I could afford the aquarium, movie, AND dinner expenses. Not to mention there was NO WAY IN HELL I was gonna let Kitozawa pay for it, not even if he's rich.
   I walked upstairs to get dressed, putting on my favorite T-shirt and grey ripped jeans. I contemplated how much money we would spend and what would be left over.
   'Let's see, $30 for 2 tickets to the aquarium, $40 for 2 tickets to see a movie, leaving $125 for dinner. I would estimate dinner being somewhere around $70 so that's roughly $55 in American money to either save or spend on snacks.' I thought, walking over to the bookshelf and picking out something to read.
   We had more than an hour before it was time to leave, So I logged online and bought the aquarium tickets.

                ~12pm, Tokyo time~

   "For God's sake, Kitozawa! Just wear your normal clothes! I'm not taking you to some fancy rich party or anything, so just put on something casual!" I said, outside Kitozawa's door.
   "Okay, okay. Calm down, Sumi. I'm still deciding." I heard him say from behind the door.
   "Okay, that's it. I'm coming in, if you're too indecisive then I guess I'll have to pick for you." I said, opening the door and walking into his closet.
   I started looking through his clothes, and eventually decided on a button-up white collared shirt, dark blue jeans, and a pair of red high-top converse.
   "There. You now have a date-appropriate outfit." I said, setting the outfit on his bed.
   "I feel like that's a little too casual." He said, looking at the outfit while biting his knuckle.
   "Just put it on already!" I said, starting to get impatient.
   "Alright, fine." Kitozawa replied, and started unbuttoning his shirt. I stared for a few seconds, then snapped out of it.
   "I tHiNk I'm GoNnA wAiT oUtSiDe." I said, covering my poor eyes and walking out of his bedroom.
   I started having a full-on nosebleed the second I shut my bedroom door.
   'Omg, his absss!' The image of his eight-pack was now burned into my brain. I grabbed a tissue and stuffed it up my nose, tilting my head forward to help stop the bleeding.
   "Did you just have a nosebleed?" I heard from behind me.
   "N-no... I don't know what you're talking about." I said, quickly hiding the bloody tissue behind my back.
   "Mmhm... sure." he said, flashing me a grin. My nose started to bleed again.
   "Shit!" I stuffed the tissue back up my nose, I just totally got caught.
   "Yup, I knew it. And you were the one calling me a pervert." Kitozawa said, crossing his arms.
   "You were the one who just started stripping right in front of me!" I blurted out, trying to defend my innocence but to no avail.
   "True, but I wasn't the one staring." He retorted, making me blush.
   ".....anyone would've stared at a body like that....." I mumbled, making sure Kitozawa didn't hear me.
   "Come again?" He asked, leaning in closer to my face.
   "N-nothing, I was just saying that we should get going soon. I don't want our tickets to expire." I said, throwing the tissue in the garbage bin by the bookshelf.
   I started to walk out of my room when Kitozawa caught the back of my shirt and pulled me backwards, making us fall on top of my bed. He nibbled a little on the rim of my ear and said,
   "I'll stop if you say it again, loud enough for me to hear." My face turned bright pink, I tried to squirm out of his grasp but it was useless. Kitozawa's hugs are inescapable.
   He moved one of his hands down and set it on my thigh, he started moving inwards and I snapped.
   "Okay okay, I'll tell you! Please, spare my virginity!" I squeaked, feeling his hand move away from my leg and back to where it was before. He still didn't let go though.
   "I-I said, um..." my voice trailed off, and I felt Kitozawa's hand start to move back down again.
   "I SAID THAT ANYONE WOULD'VE STARED AT A BODY LIKE YOURS!!!" I said, giving in. My face turned red, and Kitozawa's hand lifted off my thigh.
   "That's a good boy." He said, and released me. I got off him the second he released me, backing up at least 5 feet away from him to make sure he wouldn't try anything else.
   "So, where is it that you wanted to take me?" Kitozawa said, sitting up.
   "You'll just have to wait and see." I replied, walking out of my room. Kitozawa followed me downstairs and I handed him a small piece of paper with the address on it.
   "It's too far to walk and I can't drive yet." I said, grabbing my hoodie and tucking my tail under my pants. "I hope that's not too much of a problem."
   "Not at all." I heard Kitozawa say behind me, pulling my hood up and over my head.
   "Thanks." I said, and slipped on my sneakers. We walked down to the parking garage, got in the car, and began our first date.

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