Chapter 27: Meeting the Bad Boy's Boyfriend

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   It was now 10:25am, and I had bruises all over my chest from a certain someone who couldn't restrain himself enough to stop at 5. My total number of hickeys: 12. I was still pretty pissed at Toza for going overboard.
   "You seriously need to get some self-control, I look like I have some disease that causes bruising in the early stages." I slid on my shirt, picking Toza's shirt off the floor and throwing it at his face. "Did you really need to rip your shirt off? You pulled off 2 buttons."
   "Sorry, I got a little carried away. And I can just take the shirt to my tailor to get them fixed." He said, folding his shirt on the bed. I noticed his muscles flexing as he neatly folded his shirt and soon enough I found myself staring.
   "Enjoying the view?" I snapped back into reality, and felt my face heat up.
   "Y-yes... WaIt No, i MeAn...! Sh*t, you caught me." I hung my head in embarrassment.
   "If I were you, I'd stare too~" I flung a pillow at his face, and pivoted around, strutting into my closet. 'Baka-Toza! you can't say stuff like that, it makes me even more embarrassed.'
   I dug through my drawers trying to find a decent shirt to wear, and finally settled for a black t-shirt with the ravenclaw house emblem on the front and my black ripped-jean shorts. I didn't feel like wearing anything pastel so I'll just go emo today.
   Halfway through sliding on the shirt, I walked out of my closet and completely forgot Toza was still in my room... mistakes were made.

                  ~5 minutes later~

   "Oi, T-Tozaaa... get off meee!!! We have to gooo!!!" I groaned, imprisoned in Toza's inescapable grasp.
   "Nah, I'm good babe." He had pulled the last straw, and I was pissed.
   "Get off me or I'll use you as a Guinea pig to test if I'm poisonous." I put my tail next to the artery at the base of his neck and unsheathed my stinger, this made him let go very slowly and back away.
   "O-okay Sumi-kun, I let go... p-please don't sting me..." I sheathed my stinger back under the fluff at the end of my tail, and coldly smiled.
   "Thank you, Toza-chan. Shall we go?" Hesitantly, Toza stood up straight and followed me out of the room.
   "Sumi... how could such a cute bean like you be so terrifying?" Toza asked, still a little shocked.
   "When I want something, I'll find a way to acquire it. And it so happens that I have a weapon at my disposal." I replied, walking downstairs.
   'Wait... how am I gonna pay for a new phone?' I thought, stopping at the bottom of the staircase.
   "Don't worry Sumi, I'll pay for your new iPhone." I heard Toza say behind me and felt a hand ruffle my hair.
   "Just because you're rich, doesn't mean you should spend a ton of money on me. But... I'm broke so I'll let you spoil me just this once." I said, walking over to the door to put on my navy converse shoes. I could feel Toza's gaze burning into my back as I bent down to slip on my sneakers.
   "What?" I snapped, turning around and looking Toza in the face.
   "Nothing, just thinking." He replied, turning his face to the right and avoiding my gaze.
   "Should we tell Hayato about my... problem?" I asked, standing up and grabbing a random baseball cap off the coat rack.
   "Which one?" I tried really hard not to kick off a shoe and throw it at him.
   "This one." I pointed to my tail that was waving from side to side. "I don't think he'll turn me in to the authorities but he might tell his boyfriend and that kinda scares me."
   "Hmm, you have a point... but Hiro doesn't cut people open to experiment on them, he wants to fix them. So I don't think he'd turn you into a lab rat or anything against Hayato's will. If he really does love Hayato, then he wouldn't betray him by hurting you." Toza said, "and if he did I'd end Hiro without mercy."
   "You're forgetting I'm the one with a stinger in my tail, I can protect myself." I pulled my cap over my horns and felt them poking out a of the fabric a little, when I took the cap off they'd ripped a hole on either side of it. "Great... well I guess I have to tell them since it's becoming more noticable every day."
   Toza left the room for a second and came back wearing a shirt and holding one of my hoodies, tossing it to me.
   "Wear this, it'll do for now." He said, bending down to put his shoes on.
   "Thanks." I slipped on the hoodie, noticing it was my favorite white and grey cat hoodie.

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