Chapter 4: Taking a Beatdown

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   "I'm assuming you have the money you owe me?" Said the boy in front, grinning creepily as he leaned against the brick wall. He was the leader of the gang that was formed in the orphanage, a cruel boy with a bad sense of humor and willing to take any form of payment involving money, drugs, or violence.
   "I don't have your money, Hayato, do with me as you see fit. I don't have any more f***s to give." I said, setting my backpack down and letting the other two guys flank me.
   "Well, it would be nice to beat around the bush for a while but I think I'll settle for something else." He motioned one of his teammates to search my bag, and gave me a glare I thought only Satan himself was capable of.
   "Well, well, well... what do we have here?" The boy that was rummaging through my stuff said as he pulled out my bag of cash. Hayato turned to meet my glare.
   "You lied, Takahashi. Do you know what we do to liars?" He said, a one-sided grin creeping up the side of his face. The other two boys grabbed my arms and prevented me from escaping, I tried to wiggle free but it was no use.
   Hayato lunged forward, punching me hard in the gut. I heard a sickening snap as one of my ribs broke, forcing me to cough up blood. Hayato leaned forward and wiped some of the blood off of the corner of my mouth, and licked it?! I had a bad feeling about where this was going and I didn't like it one bit.
   Hayato moved his leg between mine and moved my chin up to meet his gaze, I went limp in the arms of the other two boys holding me up. His face was so close, and I tried to move away but I was frozen in place. Why couldn't I move? Run damnit, run!
   I heard the clicking of sneakers on the concrete, someone was approaching us. I heard his voice, but everything was growing blurry and my ears were ringing with the sound of my rapid heartbeat.
   "" At that moment I felt myself hit the hard concrete, and my vision blacked out.

MUAHAHAHAHA! A cliffhanger and a short episode! I'm sorry, I couldn't think of a better cliffhanger and I try to make you guys interested in my stuff so I end each chapter on a spicy ending. PlEaSe FoRgIvE mE!!! \(T-T)/

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