Chapter 20: Giving In

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   Once again, I had another dream of being crushed by a boulder. And that normally meant that Kitozawa had rolled over on top of me.
   "Mhn, Toza you're crushing me! If you don't get off you'll be the one breaking a few ribs!" I said, trying to move Kitozawa's heavy body off of my tiny frame. I was about 5'1 and Kitozawa was 5'11 so I would probably end up dying in the next few minutes if Kitozawa didn't wake the f*ck up.
   "Hgn, Just ten more minutes..." Kitozawa said, wrapping his arms around my waist.
   "No, wake up. I don't want the incident while I was still in the hospital happening a second time, so move." I said sternly, trying to pry him off.
   "You mean... this?" He asked, rolling his head into my lap. 'F*ck, I need to get him off soon. He's being perverted again and this isn't a good sign.'
   "Oi, you said it yourself. After 3 dates, we've already had one so you need to wait through 2 more." I said, pushing his head out of my lap. "Now get up, we have school."
   "Uugh, must you always find a way to ruin the moment?" He said, rolling off of me.
   "Ruin the moment, excuse you but last night you were the one 'ruining the moment'. Don't get too cocky Kitozawa, I don't play nice." I said, sitting up and stretching my back.
   "Was that supposed to be some sort of seductive joke?" He asked, laughing as he grabbed his shirt off the floor.
   "N-no! You know what I meant!" I said, pushing Kitozawa out of my room. He just laughed when I shut the door behind him.
   I groaned and made my way into my closet, picking up my T-shirt with a sandwich on the front and my dark green cargo shorts.
   'I haven't worn this outfit in a while, but it would go decently with a baseball cap to cover my horns.' I thought, searching for my navy blue and white cap.
   I walked downstairs after putting on my clothes and looked at the clock.
   "7:45?! We're gonna be late!" I yelled, running over to the kitchen and grabbing 2 bagels from the fridge. I quickly slapped on some strawberry cream cheese and ran back upstairs to Kitozawa's room.
   "Hurry up! If we don't leave right now we'll be late to class!" I said, after knocking on Kitozawa's door. A few seconds later he emerged from his room with his shirt buttons mis-aligned and his zipper half way zipped up.
   "Oi, wait a second! Your shirt isn't buttoned properly!" I yelled after him as he ran down the stairs. When I finally caught up to him at the door, I pulled on my sneakers, tucked in my tail, and started unbuttoning his shirt.
   "H-hey, what the heck?!" He said, trying to stop me from unbuttoning his shirt.
   "It's not buttoned properly, I'm fixing it! Also, zip up your pants, it's driving me insane!" I said, finishing fixing his shirt. He looked down and quickly zipped up his pants all the way, looking really embarrassed.
   "Just be glad you didn't show up to school like that, the 3rd years really like to criticize anyone with so much as a single flaw." I said, swinging the door open and dragging Kitozawa out the door.
   "Aww, you do care." He said, playing with a curl of my hair poking out from underneath my baseball cap.
   "If I didn't, then I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend now would I?" I said, crossing my arms. Kitozawa just stood there, giving me a shocked look.
   "What?" I asked, glaring at him.
   "It's just, I didn't think you would actually ever say that out loud." He said, looking away and scratching the back of his head. The elevator doors opened, I shoved a bagel in him mouth and walked out. Kitozawa trailing along behind me.
   "You're outfit looks really cute." He said, I felt myself blush a little.
   "Everything I do looks cute to you, how long will it take for you to realize that?" I asked, sliding into the seat next to him.
   "It's not what you do that looks cute, you by yourself are adorable." He said, starting the car. He leaned over the divider and kissed me, then drove out of the parking garage.
   When we arrived at school, we had 3 minutes to get to class so we had to run. We stopped at my locker, grabbed my books, and continued to hurry. I stopped in front of my classroom door and turned to Kitozawa.
   "I'll see you at lunch." I said, making sure nobody was around before quickly kissing him and entering my class.

                       ~At Lunch~

   I sat down at my usual spot beside Kitozawa, who had gotten here a little early because his sensei let their class out one minute before the bell chimed.
   I was just about to say something when I noticed Kitozawa staring at something that seemed to be bothering him.
   "I think someone wants to talk to you." He said, and I followed his gaze to discover that Hayato was grimly walking towards our table. He looked terrible, he had dark circles under his eyes and his face was really pale.
   He stopped at our table, then bowed.
   "I wanted to apologize for my actions the other day, I know what I did doesn't nearly deserve any of you're forgiveness. But I wanted to make this clear, Kitozawa... you can have him." He said, then walked away and blurred back into the crowd.
   "D-did he just..... apologize?" I asked, turning to Kitozawa who had a bewildered look on his face.
   "I think he just gave in." He said, turning to me. "He won't touch you ever again." He pulled me into his arms and squeezed me.
   "T-Toza, you're squeezing me and people are starting to stare..." I said, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
   "Right, sorry." He said, and released me. He pushed a tray with a sandwich on it over the table towards me.
   "I bought your lunch, it goes with your shirt." He said, smirking.
   "Wow, Hayato apologizes and my boyfriend buys me a sandwich. This must be a dream." I said, rolling my eyes at him.
   "Maybe it is, but I can assure you that Hayato cannot touch you ever again." And with that being said, we continued our lunch as if nothing had ever happened.

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