Chapter 21: Into the Light

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   All day, I couldn't help but wonder why Hayato had given up and apologized. Nothing made any sense, why he suddenly just handed me over to Kitozawa without putting up any fight, or why he had looked so torn up about it even though he never so much as batted an eyelash after beating the crap out of me.
   I hated to think of how what I was about to do would affect Kitozawa, but I wanted to give Hayato a second chance. People change, and I think the dense fog in Hayato's head had finally cleared up.
   I caught Hayato exiting the building and called him over.
   "Oi, Hayato! I wanna talk, can we go somewhere?" I called, and saw his head whip around in surprise when he heard me. He sheepishly turned around and walked over, not making eye contact with me.
   "Can we talk behind the school? I just want to get out of this crowd, ya know?" I said, awkwardly looking away.
   "S-sure." He said, and followed be through the winding halls and out the back door to the creepy alley he used to beat me up in. Just being here sent a chill up my spine.
   "You gonna beat me up or what?" He asked, in a monotone voice.
   "Huh? N-no! What the heck Hayato, I wouldn't do that!" I said, slightly taken aback. "Like I said, I just wanna talk."
   "So... what? If you're going to throw a few insults at me then go ahead, I deserve that much." He said, looking at the ground.
   "No, I didn't come here to abuse or mock you, Hayato. I believe in second chances, and I want to understand you before I judge you." I replied, meeting his gaze sternly.
   "You're going to earn my trust and then throw it in my face, I think I'll pass." He said, about to turn away.
   "Wait." I said, watching him stop. "I didn't fight back, because I had hoped you would open your eyes and realize what you were doing to both yourself and I." I said, focusing my gaze on the ground.
   "Hayato, why did you give up on me? You could've held your ground or locked me up somewhere Kitozawa would never find me, so why did you stop chasing me?" I asked, looking up at the back of Hayato's head. He didn't turn around, or try to flee, he just stood there.
   "I found someone else, that was worthy of my feelings. He cared... about me... a-and never did a-anything that w-wasn't for me..." I heard muffled sniffs and hiccups coming from Hayato as he slowly turned around and faced me.
   "He was the one, who brought me into the light." He said, tears streaming down his cheeks and a weak smile pulling the corners of his mouth.
   I pulled him into a tight hug, he needed it right now and I was happy to oblige.
   "I forgive you, Hayato Mitsuo." I said. "And I would love to start over, but I need to confront Kitozawa about this. Trust me, he won't be very happy." I laughed a little, and felt him vibrate with a soundless laugh of his own.
   "I need to go now, Kitozawa might get worried." I said, pulling away from Hayato.
   "Are you happy?"
   "Are you happy with Kitozawa?" Hayato asked, sticking his hands in his pockets.
   "Yes, I am." I said. "More happy than I have been in a very long time." I turned and waved goodbye to Hayato as I walked out of that dark alleyway. And now was the tricky task at hand, convincing Kitozawa to let me start over with Hayato.

             ~After arriving home~

   "Hey Kitozawa?" I asked, hesitantly. I was really nervous to confront Toza about this and I had no idea how he would react.
   "Yeah babe?" He replied, setting his bag down beside him on the sofa. I sat down next to him, folding my legs in a criss-crossed position.
   "I want to talk with you about something that I don't think you'll like very much, so just hear me out first before you judge, okay?" I said, setting my hands in my lap.
   "Hmn, okay?" He said, a slight hint of questioning lacing his tone. I took a deep breath and started from the beginning.
   "I talked to Hayato on the way out of the building to ask him why he gave up on me. I couldn't stand all of the questions that kept popping up in my head as to why he did it. And when I finally asked him, he said that he 'found someone else who was worthy of his feelings' and that he had 'never done anything that wasn't for him'. Finally he turned to me with tears streaming down his face and said 'he was the one, who brought me into the light'." I said, looking up at Kitozawa's unreadable expression.
   "I believe in second chances, Kitozawa. And I think that Hayato deserves to start over." I said, looking straight into Kitozawa's violet eyes. Something in them softened when he looked at me, it made me feel at ease. Like a wave of pure admiration engulfing my entire body and seeping in through my pores.
   "Sumi, this is exactly why I love you so damn much. And I am convinced that you have the purest soul out of everyone in this hell hole." He said, cupping my face and smiling radiantly.
   "I'm not sure how I feel about Hayato getting near you after he nearly took you away from me a few months ago, but I have faith in your judgment. Let's see what this guy's really made of, shall we?" He said, leaning in close to my face.
   "Okay." I said, grinning then wrapping my arms around the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
   'Tomorrow, I would start over with Hayato.' I thought, and curled up against Kitozawa's warm chest as we watched the sunset through our big glass window, illuminating the entire room with a soft orange glow.

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