Chapter 26: A Stalker Cannot Reassure One's Comfort

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A muffled ringing, faint glow, and a snoring Toza was enough to make me stir. Opening one eye slowly, I looked around to see where the ringing was coming from. I sat up, yawning and looking around. My gaze landed on my backpack hung on the coat hanger that was now emitting a light and what appeared to be my phone's ringtone for an unknown number.
I moved Toza's arm off my lap, having "small" difficulty because Toza's grasp is 99.9% inescapable at any time of the day/night. I walked over to my backpack, and took out my phone to see the area code of the unknown caller.
'Huh? It's in this timezone, I thought it was just some random spam call from another country.' I pressed 'accept' and held the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" I said into the phone, walking over to the barstools by the kitchen and sitting down.
"Hello, Katsumi. Nice to hear from you again." Immediately recognizing the voice from the person on the other side of the line, I froze. A million questions started racing through my head, 'how did he get my number?' 'What does he want from me?' 'Should I wake Toza-kun?'
"M-M-Mizuki..." My heart started pounding against my ribs, I couldn't breathe and my hands felt cold and clammy.
"Now, now, kitten... don't be so scared. I was bound to find you anyway, but I think you already knew that~" I felt my stomach flip over just listening to his enchantingly creepy voice. Every nerve in my body felt like it was burning, and I was so close to believing it that I could almost smell the charred flesh.
I hung up the phone as fast as I could, and cracked it over my knee. I heard the sickening snap of it as it split in half. Just for good measure, I ran upstairs to my room, opened my window, and threw it as far as I could. I watched as it sailed roughly 30 meters out and hit the pavement, getting run over by a car.
I felt no relief, nothing. I was stuck in a state of pure terror, I needed to tell Toza immediately. Hot tears streamed down my eyes and I sank to my knees on the floor, helpless.
"S-Sumi?" I spun around, facing the person I loved most.
"T-T-T-Toza?" I flung myself at him, burying my face in his chest and hugging his waist so tightly that nobody would be able to rip me away from him.
"Su...mi... you're cr...ushing m-me...." Toza said, wincing in pain. I loosened my grip on him and sank back down to the floor with him still in my arms.
"P-phone... u-unknown n-n-numb-ber... M-M-M-M-M-Mi..." I was a mess, sobbing into Toza's thin t-shirt.
"Oi, oi, it's okay... calm down first and tell me when you're stable enough to tell me what happened." He soothed, running his fingers through my hair and pulling me closer.
An entire minute of silence passed before I was ready to tell Toza the situation. So when I was ready, I took a deep breath and explained everything the way it happened.
"...he found my phone number and called me, somehow knowing my first name and informing me that I had no reason to be scared because he would've found me anyway." I finished, clutching to Toza and looking him in the eyes.
He had a blank expression on his face, but after a couple minutes he just looked down and smiled at me.
"You're going to take a nap with me for a while, and then in the morning how about we give Hayato a call? I think he'd like to help a friend feel a little more comfortable while hanging out for a few hours." He said, I nodded and he scooped me up off the floor and carried me to bed bridal-style. He climbed in next to me and let me curl up against him for the rest of the night.
Toza chased away any thoughts I had of Mizuki, and I slept well for another 8 hours until it was 7:30am.
"Mmhn, Toza you awake yet?" I rolled over and poked his cheek. No response, he must still be asleep.
I laid there for a while, just staring at his perfect face while he slept. His breathing was shallow and his hair was messily hanging in his face, he almost looked... other worldly. I reached out an touched a small strand of his deep violet hair handing in his face and moved it out of the way revealing Toza's round indigo eyes staring right back at me.
"Knngh! T-Toza?! How long have you been awake for?!" I sputtered, blushing a dark pink in embarrassment.
"Since before you poked my cheek..." he replied, smiling.
"Y-you... never mind, I'm going back to sleep. We don't really need to call Hayato at 7:30am on a Saturday, it's too early." I rolled over, swishing my tail in whatever concoction of emotions you could call what I'm feeling. I felt Toza's arms snake around my waist and pull me up against his chest, not to mention one of them was wandering a little too far up my shirt.
"Oi, you said the third date. So until then I expect you to keep your word." He still didn't remove his hand.
"You're right, but I never said touching was something that abided by those rules." He continued to slide his hand further up my shirt, I didn't mind it much but at the same time I felt embarrassed by it. 'How could Toza be so cool with these things? Is he secretly embarrassed by it too or does he not care?' I thought, resting my hands in between my head and my pillow.
"Don't let anyone else touch me except you, got it?" I rolled over to face him.
"Wasn't planning on it." He gave me a warm smile. Toza reminded me of the moon sometimes, amidst all the darkness he was the one thing that illuminated the sky, he drew in people that were near him so they could admire him, and most of all he was the most calm person I had ever met, controlling the waves of emotion from himself and others.
"We should probably call Hayato, it's already 8am." Toza said, still hugging me with one hand placed delicately on my chest.
"Huh? 8AM?! I wasn't laying there with your hand up my shirt for 30 minutes, was I?!" I guess I spaced out for a reeeeally long time because sure enough the clock on my nightstand said 8am.
"Calm down, you were probably just so comfortable here with me that you zoned out for a while. Plus, the iPhone store doesn't open for another hour so we've got time." He said, bending over me and kissing my neck softly.
"Oi, oi, are you just trying to keep me here so you can molest my neck? If we're going out in public then don't leave a mark. Because then people would stare and Hayato would tease me. It's also not very appropriate if Hayato's boyfriend will be there, and we don't know if he will yet because I no longer have a phone." I said, moving his head from my neck. "So, pick another spot. Not on my arms, legs, and DEFINITELY not where you're thinking."
"Hm? How'd you know where I was planning to leave a mark?" He asked, giving me a curious look.
"Based on the fact that you have 2 hands, one being placed in my shirt and the other on my thigh, I think I can make a pretty accurate estimation." I pulled his hand off my leg and placed it on the mattress beside me. I rolled onto my back and lay flat.
"No more than 5, they hurt a little." I said, crossing my arms.
"As you wish, Sumi." Toza said, and removed my shirt.

Sorry, not sorry guys. I don't really feel like writing a graphic scene rn and I have things to take care of. Stay safe and don't die of corona!

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