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Authornote: Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope you are all are enjoying your holidays! My Christmas present, along with the the week long of chapter releases, I am doing a double update for Christmas. Though, ironically, lands right on this lovely chapter. Now, before I say the little warning, if you want to see a unique twist to a trope rarely seen these days, go on ahead even if you don't like the warning. Now, the warning, don't like homosexuality, you might want to skip to the next chapter. 

"The rate is increasing." Kurama said. He glared at the white space behind Las Boss, watching it slowly eating away at greenish yellow sewer that was once Las Boss' mind.

"Yeah. The faster my new mindscape devours the old mindscape, the faster the rate goes for your HP and MP." Las Boss sighed. He looked back with a disgusted frown with seeing the white space had already taken out the wall and door that was there just yesterday. "Quite annoying. Here, I thought you would have at least a few more days. But, seems this world is saving you as the last thing to get rid of in my mind. Well, except my memories of you. They are safe along with the one memory I made sure to keep."

"So, you think it's going to work?" Kurama asked. He grinned at Las Boss.

"No fucking idea, but I don't care. If you are going to die, might as well let you die with some fun under your belt." Naruto grinned back, adjusting his glasses. "But, even with proving the concept of making spells and gotten some new ones, this type of spell is a whole new level. Probably going to hurt pretty badly for me since it is untested and bugged, but again I don’t care as long as it does the job done."

"Heh. You know, I almost don't hate the bastard who sealed me in here anymore." Kurama chuckled, "But, you could die as well if this goes wrong, you know?"

"Yep! But don't care! If I live, then I can make possibly Materialization Shiritori from No Game No Life real if I prove the concept! Or at least mimic Final Fantasy! It's pure awesome! Especially if I can get a repeat of episode 6 of No Game No Life! Right down to the freaking hydrogen bomb and supernova!" Las Boss said, a little drool coming out of the side of his mouth out of the pure joy. "I can make my ultimate dream of living in a reality like Disboard true! A world defined with rules that create a real game world than the shit game of life!"

"And this is where almost applies." Kurama sighed. He smirked at the pout he got from Las Boss. "You have a twisted mind. Would you grow up?"

"Nope! I will forever be a kid!... Well, in the inside, that is." Las Boss sighed. He pointed at his chest since both of them knew he now had the body of an adult. "However, to me, everything is a game, even life. How else can I justify all the playthroughs I have been through. It’s in fact much like the respawning of this world, except I get reborn through a mom every time till now. Hence why I actually love the fact that I am now in a reality that works like a game as everything that confused me so much in the old world now make sense. It is like the game laws truly apply compare to only partly doing so... Well, other than the shit game stuff like you dying. A game should be enjoyable for all sides, not a few."

"Though, I do wonder how, if you do live, you will get out of the situation you are setting yourself in. I want to die knowing you'll at least not end up in the same situation I am in, Brat." Kurama snorted. A bit peeved at the current situation.

"Oh. I know what I am doing and will enjoy it. In fact, now I am glad this version of Elder Tales is now reality. I can now do what I always wanted to do that I couldn’t as a GM when it was a pure game. Never could as it would go against the game policies." Las Boss chuckled, closing his eyes.

"Well, well. Seems luck is on my side today." Las Boss opened his eyes, finding himself facing a closed shop with snow covering its empty boxes and the surrounding streets he was standing in. "I can finally get my revenge on you, Lassy." Las Boss turned, finding himself surrounded by a group of players who looked more like thugs than adventurers.

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