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The stairs creak as we walk up them, silence consuming us. 

I should say something....

We make it to the top and I look down the wide hallway, doors only separated by a couple feet.

"You didn't have to come with me." Ji utters, I smile to her and grab her hand.

"From now on I'm going to be by your side 24/7." I say as we walking down the hallway.

"And how do you suppose you do that with a muti-million company?" She asks, brow arch.  I almost gush at the adorableness,

"Miss Wright will attend my meetings and I'll do everything on my computer." I answer, we stop at a door.  Ji grabs a key set from her bag and unlocks the door,

"Shawn— stop!" I stiffen at the name, my grip tightening on Ji's hand.  I push open the door and freeze at the sight, Shawn has Esme presses up against the wall.

"What is goin on here?" Ji asks, a shiver running up my spine at the ery calmness of her voice.  Shawn stumbles back, Esme looks concerned for her boyfriend.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" He slurs, a scowl comes on my face.

He drunk out of his mind..

"I came to drop somethin off for my brother's case, you?"  Ji steps in and I follow, not sure if a body would drop in the next couple minutes.

"I was just about to leave." He grumbles, Ji pulls her hand out of mine.

"Make sure he doesn't leave, love." She says, walking past Shawn and handing Esme the USB.

"I found some people who got some videos and photos of Dean leadin MJ to the back." A grunt makes me jump, I turn slightly and pull Shawn back by the collar.

"Let me go man." He says, thrashing slightly.

"No. You're intoxicated, who knows what trouble you'll get yourself in." I retort,

You're already in enough trouble as it is

"So who cares?" He mumbles, I sigh.

Emotional drunk

"Ok get some rest and update me if anythin changes." Ji's voice relax my shoulders the slightest,

"Ok umm Jay?" Ji hums in response,

"Don't hurt him." Esme whispers, Ji nods and turns towards us.

"Why is everyone leaving?!" Shawn cries, I look down at him.

"Dude are you serious?  Would you chill?  No ones leaving you." I say, he whimpers and looks at me with a pout.

Scary gang leader my ass

"I'll see you later." Ji walks towards us, waving over her shoulder.  I follow Ji out and close the door,

"Mm, thank you love." She says, pecking my lips before grabbing Shawn's collar and dragging him towards the stairs.

"Woah!  I'm floating!"

"Lil' shit...."

"What the hell....?"

I push open the door and see Shawn sitting up, holding his head.

"Oh good, your awake." I say, Shawn turns to me and his eyes widen. I place the tablet and water on the bedside table,

"I know I got drunk but I don't remember coming to your penthouse." Shawn comments, grabbing the tablet and water.

"You didn't, Ji came to Esme's to drop something off and she found you there." Shawn spits out his water, wide eyed.

"FUCK, WHAT?!" I scowl at the volume,

"Would you chill? I'd prefer you keep your volume and foul mouth to a minu—"

"I'm home." Ji's voice seem to boom in the apartment and a small smile appears on my lips.

Home... she called it home

"In here!" I answer, Shawn smacks me.

"Does she know?!" He whispers, my eyes narrow.

"Yeah and judging my the position she found you and Esme she not too happy." I say,

"Is he awake?" Shawn quickly pulls me in front of him,

"Jay! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her. I was blinded by anger!" Shawn clenches on my arms,


"I'm really sorry, please don't kill me!"


"I don't want to die young and I still need to talk to Esme and straighten everything out."


"Please plea—"

"YAHA WOULD YOU SHUT UP AND LET HER TALK?!" I growl, ripping out of his grip and walking towards Ji.  I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her forehead.  My anger slowly subsiding at her touch,

"Esme ask me not to hurt you." Ji utters, Shawn relaxes.

"But that does not mean, I'll beat you into submission." She grabs my arms and my hands go to her wrist, she looks up to me and nods.  I exhale and tighten my grip slightly,

"See? His grip is strong yet he's not cuttin off circulation." Shawn's face pales and he gulps,

"Now." I let go off Ji's wrist and she walks over to Shawn.

"You're comin with me." She grabs his collar and starts dragging him out, I follow close behind a small smirk on my face.

"Alec please!  Don't let your wife kill me!!" He pleads,

My.....my wife..

Heat rises slightly on my cheeks and I break out into a smile,

"Are you fucking crazy?  Why are you smiling?!" Shawn exclaims, thrashing against Ji's hold.  We enter the pool room and Shawn stiffens,

"This is as harsh as I'll be...for now." Ji throws him into the water, soaking herself.

"Blood— love can you get me a new shirt?" She says turning around, my eyes widen, feeling aroused. The water soaked her shirt making it expose her red laced bra,

"Um—I, sure." I say, rushing inside and getting a shirt.

"Please Jay! I didn't mean it!" I hand Ji the shirt and stare oddly at my friend. He was thrashing around in the water and "drowning" but he full well can stand.

"Stop overreacting, you're in the 4 feet section." I retort, Shawn stops thrashing and stands, the water going a little above his waist.

"Mistress?" Chris voice enters the room, Ji tugs on the shirt and turns to Chris.

"Your phone." He says, Ji pecks my cheek before going to Chris and grabbing her phone.

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