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I groan and slowly open my eyes, stretching in the process.

"......" I hear a soft mumble, I turn my head and see Ji sitting on lounge chair in the corner of my room, the sun shining on her pale skin.

"How'd you get in here?" I ask, voice raspy. She sips her coffee before answering,

"Are you not goin to get up?" She asks, I let out a grunt of pleasure; her voice was like music to my ears.  I watch as she returns her eyes to the book in her hand.  My eyes glancing to the clock on the wall.

8:03 AM

"I don't want to." I complain, laying on my stomach, my head facing her direction.

"Sir?" Ji glances up before returning back to the book,

"What?" I bark, not moving my eyes from the goddess in front of me.

"Y-Your meetings have been taken care of for the rest of the day." Miss Wright stutters, my phone dings and I grab it from the night stand.

"What the hell...?" I murmur, looking down at the confirmed and established contracts.

"I'd l-like to ask if I could have the day off." Miss Wright adds,

"Why?" I grumble, scrolling through the information. Confused as hell,

"I uh want to go see my boyfriend." She answers,

"No." I respond, sitting up.  I hear her wince at my tone,

"You're going to find out who did this." I command,

"No need for that love, it was me." Ji says, I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"Be back by Monday Miss Wright." I say, hearing a squeal and the bedroom door closing.  Returning to my previous position,

"Why would you do that darling?" I ask, she closes her book and sets it down next to her coffee.

"I've seen your schedule love, you over do yourself." She says,

"Come here." I murmur, she stands up and I'm able to see what she's wear.  A tight fitted silk dress, my jaw clenches as she walks closer.

She's getting her confidence back....

"I do not overwork myself." I argue, trying to distract myself from the dirty thoughts.

"Really? 20 meetings in the span of a 7 hour work day is overkill." She states, looking down as I look up.

"Overkill my ass." I say, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her down onto the bed.

"Alec checkup meetings can be rescheduled on a less busy day so you won't strain your brain." She explains, I lay my head in her lap, my arm still wrap around her waist.

"Mhm." I hum, knowing I won't win this argument and I was frankly feeling drowsy in her presence.

"If you managed to clear my schedule, did you clear yours?" I ask, curious if I had the goddess to myself today.  One of her hands is placed in my hair and the other intertwine with mine,

"I'll be gone for a hour or so, Jun wants all of us at a meetin' with a new investor." She answers,

"Must the man take away my women." I grumble, tightening my grip as she tries to stand.

"I promise to come straight here after finishing." She says, I look up to her.

"Promise?" I ask with a slightly pout, she chuckles softly.

"Yes I promise."

I walk into the kitchen and see Miles brewing some coffee,

"Yo! Sorry I didn't warn you about Jay, she kinda appeared out of nowhere." Miles apologizes, I smile thinking back to it.  She had left 20 minutes ago and I already missed her,

"That's alright, do you know how she got in?" I ask, still curious as she did just pop out of nowhere.

"I'm not quite sure, the guards at the front didn't say they saw her." Miles says, I chuckle.

Not a surprise, the trained assassin gets past my guards

"Breakfast?" Miles says, I nod and seat myself in the breakfast bar.

"What did she want?" Miles questions, turning his back to me.  It was quite typical for Miles or Theo to spend the night at my place since it was in the city were all the clubs and bars were, I didn't mind as long as they didn't fuck here.

"Nothing much, she had cleared my schedule for me today so I'll be home." I answer, he snaps around.

"Someone manage to clear your schedule and your not mad?" He places a cup of coffee in front of me,

"Why would I be mad?  I don't see the harm in it." I say, shrugging.

"Because you sir are persistently on a time schedule and you don't like people messing with your things." Theo says, walking in.

"Is there a problem with me enjoying a day off?" I ask, arching my brow.

"No but the fact you let someone change your day in the matter of second without a fight is weird." Theo explain,

"She sure has you 'whipped'." Miles says, my phone rings and it interrupts their little bickering.  I grab it and press answer,

"Newman." I answer,

"Alec!" Dad greets ,

"Dad!  I'm sorry I haven't called." I say,

"Oh that's alright, we understand that you have a lot on you plate." Dad reassures,

"Kelly! Let me talk to my son!" I hear mom yell in the background,

"Goodness women chill, here." Theres shuffling and then my mom speaks,

"I heard you're seeing someone."

"By whom?" I ask, glancing at Miles and Theo.

Those brats can't keep there damn mouth shut

"Jun of course, he won't tell me who it is but he says she makes you extremely happy." My mom continues,

"Yeah she's amazing, I'm hoping you guys can meet her soon." I offer, I hear a squeal escape her mouth.

"You're in luck!  Your father has to go to Central for a few things, we're actually about to board the plane." I smile,

"That's great but why won't you guys take your jet?  It would be faster and less crowded." I mention,

"Your father forgot to tell the pilots before hand so we are suck with first class."

"Hana that is not my fault!" Dad argues,

"Uhu honey and pigs fly."

"Anyway, we'll see you hopefully early tonight if everything goes well." She says,

"Ok, text me when you land so I can get someone to drive you over." I offer,

"Ok honey, love you bye."

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