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I exhale silently and lean more into the chair, blood dripping from my forehead.

"Not gonna talk?" I let out a breath, he punches me in the gut and bloods starts to pool in my mouth again.

"Pathetic." I mumble, letting my head hang down. The guy pulls my head up by my hair,

"One last time, what are the account numbers?!" I let out a soft sarcastic laugh,

"Go fuck yourself." I mutter, he lets go my hair and my head hangs down.  The door slamming closed and muffled yelling pick up again as the door closes.  Head pounding like crazy,

"Bloody headaches." I whisper to myself, hearing gun shots, I look up slightly. The door slams open, the noise making me wince.

"God Chief!" William cries, he runs up to me and cuts the rope. I stand up and stumble slightly,

"Chief, take it easy." He scolds, holding my shoulders. I push them off but he puts them back in place as we walk out,

"Chief!" Lily yells, running over to my side.

"Whys everyone yellin?" I utter, walking out of the building. Fresh air filling my lungs,

"Chief, are ok?!" Charles asks, frantically opening the door to the SUV.

"Go to Bare Wings." I mutter, William nods and the car starts to move.  My eyes close and lean my head against the seat, holding my abdomen.


"She should be fine, a few bruised ribs." Cole explains,

"And I suggest to get rest, meaning no paperwork either." He insist, I wave him off.  He sighs and walks out,

"Chief please take these rules seriously!" Charles says, the other two agreeing.  Leaning against the headboard,

"Get out." I mumble, they stand to argue but stop when I send them a glare.  Sighing they walk out and the lights dim as the door closes, I grab the decoration dish on the side table and throw it at the wall.

It shatters into pieces and falls to the ground, creating small fragments.


"Corey just tell me where she is!" I demand, glaring daggers at him. He stays straight faced and leans back in his chair,

"Nah, if Jay wants you away I'll keep it that way." He responds, the warehouse doors open and slam shut. I turn my head and look at the three walking in,

"She good?" Corey asks, two of them branch off and one walks up to Corey.

"Doc says she'll be ok, but she was starved so we'll probably have to force feed her." My heart pangs at those words,

He's not talking about my Jay......right?

"Corey I swear if you don't tell me where she is or what the hell happened, I'm going to blow your car to pieces and make you watch." I growl, his eyes widen and he scowls.

"Sir, she's not in good place to talk." The other guy chimes in, I turn to him and glare. He flinches and takes a step closer to Corey,

She seriously has way too man guys around her.

"Name." Snarling, the guy gulps.

"William." He responds,

"Willy, if you'd be so kind to tell me where Jay is, I won't have to pay for your funeral." I say, sickeningly sweet. Corey scoffs,

"Will don't listen to him, he won't hurt you, not under Jay's watch." Corey fires back, rolling my eyes I reply.

"Just tell me where she is!  Someone just doesn't disappears out of no where!" Corey sighs.

"Alec.  If she wants to be left alone then she'll be left alone.  I care for her and if she doesn't want you near her I'll keep it that way.  So back off." Corey explains, I scoff and groan. 

She had fell off the face of the earth that night, the only thing I can think about is why is she pushing me away.  She likes me and I like her but something...something just wasn't right.

"If I find her, you can't stop me." I grit, turning around and walking out.  I get into my car and call Dylan,

"Heyyyy bud!" He answers,

"Can you trace Jay Yoon's cell phone?" I ask, pulling out of the gravel pathway.

"Jay Yoon?  As in the women that has like the whole city under her finger?"

"Yes, she should be in town." I mutter, hearing typing.

Or at least close

"Well, last location was a house in the middle of the woods." Dylan says,

"Give me the coordinates." I demand, my phone pings.

"Just so you know, if she finds out I pinged her phone she'll be ready for you." Dylan says before hanging up.  I sigh,

I just need you by my side....

I walk up the wet staircase and look at the entrance, it was a old house.  Big nonetheless, it was growing moss and vines on the pillars and walls but it actually looked nice.  Taking a deep breath before knocking on the door, I had that decency.  Chris opens the door and frowns,

"Sir, mistress isn't really wanting to talk to anyone right now." Chris says, I look at him. He looks down for a seconds before looking back at me,

"Just don't press to hard, she's not in the best shape." He mentions, I nod and take off my shoes as I enter.  Looking around, it was a modern vintage interior.  I hear shuffling upstairs and make my way up.  The house was silent like no one was in it and it probably was because of Jay.

The goddess was never a people person...

I stop at a door, the only light in the hallway coming from the bottom of it.  Grabbing the handle and opening the door, Jay's back was turned to me as she slips on a hoodie.  Her hair was wet and she had her glasses on but her face was down and wasn't visible.

"Why are you here?" She whispers, her voice hoarse and soft.  I take a step forward, she held up her hand; still not turning around.  I stop,

"Because I want to talk to you." I respond, she grips onto the dresser.

"About?" She says, her voice louder.

"Why did you leave me?" I ask, my voice the softest it could be.

"Because you don't need someone who kills."

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