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"Jay." I open one of my eyes and look over to MJ.  He displays a wide goofy smile,

"Anyway, I was thinking we go on a weekend get away tomorrow.  Just us and some close friends." I give him a look,

"Ok some of mine's and Jun's." MJ corrects, the only friends I had in North is Esme and she decided to go with Charlie for a small 'unplugging' week.

"Yeah it's sounds great!  You can relax and not worry about things for once." Jun chimes in sipping his sodas, I close my eyes again and lean back.

"Pleaseeeeee?" MJ pleads, leaning on my left side.

"Yeah come on Jay, pleaseeee?" Jun says, leaning on my right side.

"Whats happening here?" I hear Alec ask,

"We're trying fo convince Jay to come with us this weekend." MJ explains, leaning more weight onto me.

"Pretty pleaseee?" Jun and MJ whine in unison, I feel my finger twitch.

"I swear if you don't shut it I'm goin to throw you out the window." I mutter, I hear them chuckle.

"Dear."  Chris interrupts them, I hear him place something down on the coffee table.  I open my eyes and nod a thanks to Chris before he leaves,

"What the hell is that?" Jun mutters, I lean forward and grab the hot drink.

"Tea." I answer, sipping it.

"Sooo?" MJ says, looking at me for an answer.  I give him a look and he returns it, our way of silently communicating with each other.  He flares his arms and accidentally whacks off the book on the side table.  It drops and a paper slips out of it,

"Stubborn." I answer, he smiles proudly.  Alec picks up the book and paper, placing it on the table.

"Ok so we'll meeting at the docks at 5?" Jun asks,

"Maybe this time I won't get ambushed." I joke,  Alec looks over at me with a littlest of guilt.

"Whos jet?" MJ asks, moving his head to my shoulder and getting more comfortable.

"Jay's!" Jun exclaims, I sip on my tea.

"Jay's? When did you get a jet?" MJ asks, confused.

"Don't remember that gift from the prince of Kentucky or something gave it to her to try to get Jay to marry him?" Jun explains, MJ furrows his brows and then his eyes widen.

"Oh that dude, never really like him." MJ murmurs,

"When was this?" Alec asks, subtly clenching and unclenching his fist.

"Umm....4...3 years?" Jun answers, confusing himself.

"It was one." Chris chimes in a amusing smile on his lips,

"Huh?  No...definitely longer." MJ argues,

"Oh dear, that must've been the other person," Chris says, I stiffen a chuckle.

"What was his name again?  Chase or something."  Their heads shot to me,

"The gang leader of East gave you something?!  What was it?" Jun asks, frantically.

"I don't know, I didn't open it." I say, drinking my tea.

"It was a assorts of cars." Chris answers,

"I swear when I see him, he's dead....." I hear Alec whisper under his breath,

"What?" MJ asks Alec,

"Doesn't matter, I gave it to Chris." I respond, standing up from my position.  MJ whines,

"If you expect me to go on that trip in 17 hours, then I need to go finish some paperwork." I respond, he pouts.

"Get some kip." I kiss Jun's and MJ's cheeks and walk out of the living room and up to my home office.  Their voices muffling,

I open the doors and it shuts behind me, the cold breeze comes through the open balcony door.  Picking up the black folder that sit on my desk, staring at it, like it was a death note. I open it and stare at the document,

You've done us great work SOLDIER 007, we are official retiring you. If you wish to continue working under us then we are sorry, we have no use for you anymore. Your contract has been terminated.

I close the folder, my tongue runs across my teeth. There's a knock on the door, I mutter a small 'come in'.

"Jay." Alec voice booms in the dark office, I stay still; clenching onto the black folder.  His footsteps getting louder as he comes closer.

He stops in front of me,

"Are you ok?" He whispers, I could feel his intense stare, I exhale shakily.

"Yeah." I whisper, placing the folder down on my desk.  I look up to Alec's eyes, it held worry and pain.

"Really...I'm fine." I assure, grabbing his hand softly.

"Ok.." He responds, looking back at me.  We stayed silent, in the dark.

"Jun suggest I stay here tonight because the roads can be dangerous and narrow at this time of night." Alec explains, breaking the silence. 

"You can take the room down the hall to the left." I say, he nods.  Chris knocks on the door and peaks inside, I let go of Alec's hand.

"Chris, show him his room for tonight." I request,

"Yes, dear." Chris says, Alec looks back at me once before walking out.  Both my hands wrap around the edge of the desk, clenching it tightly.

I growl under my breath, turning to the fire place.  Grabbing the black folder and a lighter, lighting the corner and throwing it into the fire place.  It expands and I watch, my face still.

"너가 나를 죽였다.."

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