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I rub my temple, staring at the papers frustrated and stressed.

"YJ?" Lucas, my assistant asks through the intercom. I stay silent but he continues, knowing full well I hadn't stepped out of office.

"Mr Newman is here to see you." I press a button on the intercoms, the office door hisses and then locks.

Distance, the best thing for me, him and his future wife...we only ever did have a professional relationship, nothing more.

My grip on the pen tightens at the thought he saw me at my weakest. My phone dings,

Lucas Rex
I told him that you were out and to come another time but he insisted on waiting. He's sitting outside of your office and he looks kinda frustrated

I exhale silently, this is the third time in a row. Setting my phone down and returning my attention back to the documents before signing it.

Hours past before I stood up and walk over to the liquor cabinet, pouring a cup before backing up and pressing the button on the intercom. The door hisses and cracks open,

"Mr. Newman, you can go in." Lucas says opening the office door more. My face stays emotionless as he walks in,

"Lucas." I say, he nods and closes the door. I look to Alec, meeting eyes with him.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks, taking a step towards me.

"Why is that your concern?" I question back, sipping the alcohol.

"Because our relationships is important to me." He answers,

"Our relationship is the same as it's always been, professional." I see pain flash through his eyes,

"Professional?" He asks, laughing sarcastically at the words.

"So the kiss we shared, the time we spent together, all of that was all in a professional matter?" He declares, his fist clenching.  My grip tightens on the cup,

"So all of this has been just a manipula-"

"Don't you bloody dare say I manipulated you!" I grit, slamming down the cup.

"You're the one playin with my feelin's, using me while you are bloody engaged with Jessica Full." I say, he stood in shock.

"Jay I-" He stops himself, he walks up to me and goes to hold my hand but I jerk away.

"Don't." I snarl, staring at him dead in the eye.

"If you have nothin' else to say, leave." I mutter, afraid if I yell I'd explode and put a bullet through his head.

"Jay...please." He pleads, my eyes glimpsing at the golden ring that sat on his finger.

It is too late...

"Leave, I'm sure your wife is waitin." I say, he grumbles and backs away.

"I'm going to fix this." He states, before walking out of my office. The door slamming, tears brim my eyes but I blink and my cold expression return. I grab the cup and down the rest of the alcohols, before placing the cup down and grabbing my jacket and keys.

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