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I step into the jet and my shoulders relax.

Finally, people who I ACTUALLY like..

"Look who it is Mr. Billionaire!" Theo jokes, I roll my eyes at him. We had decided to take my jet since it seem the 'nicest' as Miles puts it.

I look around and the the only seat left was next to Jay, she was peacefully reading a book. Miles smirks, they knew my attraction to the grey eyed female all to well. I send him a deathly glare before walking over to Jay and sitting down. I peak over to see what she was reading but it was in Korean. I look her over again and notice she was wearing glasses.

Why is she always so goddamn cute?!

I clear my throat and look away before she noticed I was staring.

An hour past and everyone starts to settle down, I set down my phone and close my eyes for a second.

"AH!" My head shots up and I look around, startled.

"Stop harassing me!" MJ says, pushing Miles face away from him. I groan slightly and glance to Jay. She was sipping on coffee, eyes still on the book.

"I swear to god I'm never going to get enough sleep." I say,

"Oh shush, you seem quite comfortable sleeping on Jay shoulder a couple minutes ago." Theo comments, I look to Jay with wide eyes.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know that I was on your shoulder. Your probably bothered by me an-" She cuts off my rambling with a look and pats her shoulder gently.

"It's ok." She mumbles, flipping the page to her book.  I hesitantly lay my head on her shoulder again and close my eyes, trying my best to resist the smile that wanted to appear on my lips


My grip tightens around Jay's waist as she moves,

"Wake up love, we're here." She whispers into my ear.  I slowly open my eyes, looking up and around.  Letting out a groan and sit up in the position Jay had moved us to make me more comfortable.

"Let's go!" Jun says, getting up and stretching.  Everyone starts to get up, we step off the plane and I take in a deep breath.

"คุณต้องการกระเป๋าของคุณที่ไหน?" A worker asks,

"กรุณาวางไว้ที่ด้านหลังของรถ." I answer, the worker nods and hurries off.

"Huh?" Theo questions, looking at me.

"They're brin' our bags to the resort." Jay utters, starting her way towards the car. The guys look at her with wide eyes and hurry to catch up with her.

"She surprises me everyday." I mutter, following close behind the guys.

"Ok so everyone got their rooms?" MJ asks,




"Yersh." Jun confirms, everyone exchanges a goodbye and walk to our rooms.

I stop at my room and open it, the fresh ocean smell coming in.  Looking down at my watch and grin, I had a couple hours before we had to head down for a late lunch.  Hearing something ahead and looking back up, Jay was walking into the pool; we had separate rooms but the rooms are connected by a back pool patio space.  I stare attentively at her, eyes trailing down her fairly exposed body.

I shake out of my dirty thoughts and set my bag down, looking into the mirror and come to the conclusion that I didn't look so soulless.  I unbutton my dress shirt and pants and slip in some shorts, to lazy to put on a shirt.  Face planting into the bed and slowly turning my head towards the pool, watching her swim laps effortlessly.

My phone dings and I push myself up.  Looking around for my phone, I grab it out of my blazer pocket and look at the message.

Jay's Twin
Lunch moved up to 2:30, be down in lobby by 2

I sigh and look over to Jay as she appears out of the water.

"Lunch was moved up to 2:30, MJ says we should get ready." I say, she nods and gets out the water.  My eyes widen just the slightest as she had water dripping down her body and it glistened in the sun.  She walks to her side, disappearing from my view.

"Fuck." I mumble, getting aroused.  I run my hand through my hair and get up, changing into slacks and a loose dress shirt.  I tuck in the dress shirt lazily and leave the last two button unbutton.  I hear foot steps and turn around,

I swear this women's going to be the death of me

She was wearing a white button up blouse type shirt and mom jeans, the blouse wasn't button all the way and it exposed her bra just the slightest. I grunt, silently disapproving of her outfit.

"Ready?" I ask, slipping on my shoes.  She hums, waiting patiently for me.  We walk out of my room and down to the lobby,

"Wow Angel, agree to disagree but you're serving looks!" MJ whistles, she gives him a small grin and he smiles in return.  We walk into the attach restaurant and are seated,

"So I was thinking, we should go clubbing tonight." Miles suggest, sipping on his alcohol.

"And see you strip again? No thanks." I joke, Jun and Theo laugh.

"You liked it and you know it." Theo retorts, narrowing his eyes jokingly.

"What can I get you guys?" The waiter asks, everyone orders and the waiter turns to Jay.

"Ice coffee." She answers, my jaw clenches as I see the waiters eyes wander down.

"For sure." The waiter says, winking while he leaves.

"I might punch the dude." Jun mutters, looking down at his phone.

"I'm right with you..." I murmur, my fist clenching and unclenching under the table.

The waiter comes back with our food and we start to eat, Jay's phone dings and she looks at it.

"28 hours and 4 minutes." She mumbles before standing up and walking off. I wipe my mouth with the cloth napkin,

"You know where she's off to?" I ask, starting to stand up.

"No but by the looks of it, it's probably work related..." MJ answers, a frown on his lips. I nod and follow the way she walked out,

"What?" She questions, her other hand rubbing her temple.

"5 million?" She clarifies, I can see her vein slightly popping on her forehead.

"Move all of it into the warehouse on 6th, get Max and William to help." She commands before hanging up and letting her arms limp by her side.

"Problems?" I ask, stepping closer to her.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She retorts, anger filling her eyes.

"I'm here to help." I say, she sends me a hard glare.  My eyes darken,

"Fuck off." She remarks, starting to walk away.

"No." I grab her wrist and push her against the wall, moving my face closer to her's.  I pull her hands up above her head and hold it down with my other hand, the other wrapped around her waist.

"I don't like being talk to like that." I growl, she looks at me with no fear.

"I'm trying to understand you." I mutter, she scoffs.

"You don't need to understand me Newman."

"I'm dam-" I cut her off by crashing my lips onto her's.  My grip on her wrist tighten, afraid if I'd let go she'd push me away.  She slowly kisses back, I grin into the kiss.

We pull apart, breathing heavily.  We look into each other's eyes.

"I don't need to...I want to."

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