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"Give him back!" MJ exclaims, pouting and glaring at Jun.

"No, he likes me better anyway!" Jun argues, sticking his tongue out at him. I let out a sigh and rub my face with my hand.

"Choo, sweetie it's time for your milk." Ji says, walking in with a bottle.

"Mummie!" He giggles, Ji takes Elliott out of Jun's arms and give Elliott the bottle.

"I like Mummie better!" Elliott shouts. A smile graces my lips as I stare at my wife and child, absolute adoration in my eyes.

"Of course you like her better." Jun huffs, my brow archs.

"You seriously can't be jealous of a mother and her child can you?" I ask, MJ bursts out in laughter.

"Bro you're so stupid!" MJ says, slapping his legs, still laughing. I walk over to Ji and pull her closer my the waist.

"Papa." Elliott muffles, staring at me with the bottle in his mouth. I chuckle and pull his cheek softly,

"You're so cute." I whisper, my eyes shifting to her.

"Mummie?" Ji looks at him and nods.

"Yes sweetie?" When it came to Elliott her voice would become abnormally soft, it surprised me the first time because she didn't change her voice for me despite me being her lover.

"Eh, I'm not used to it." MJ comments, scowling.

"Yeah, it's creepy." MJ and Jun had yet to become used to her tone, they were so used to the cold hearted one they couldn't adjust quick enough.  Elliott pulls out his bottle and throws it at Jun.

"Ow! Hey!" He yelps, picking up the bottle and rubbing his head. 

"Why'd you do that Elliott?" I ask, trying to keep a straight face.  Elliott turns to me and huffs.

"Uncle wath bein mean to Mummie!" He whines, Ji lets out a chuckle.

"Choo that's nice of you but you can't just throw things at people." Jun was grumbling to himself and MJ was having a really hard time keeping his laugh.

"Ok..." Elliott mumbles, laying his head on her shoulder.  I turn and look at Ji.

It all started with her.

And I'm so fucking glad it did.

"Mummie why doth papa looth at you like that?" Ji turns her head towards me and a small smiles appears on her lips.

"Because I love her...I love the both of you." I answer, kissing the side of her head.

"How are the sales this year?" Ji asks, rocking Elliott softly.

"Well.." I send the two a glare.  Ji was a full time mother and also still the CFO of Yoon Corp.

"Don't mind him, tell me, Lucas has been busy with other things he's bring my reports late." She says, waving dismissively at me.

The women basically had a full time job along side with managing a baby and a mafia on the side, which hasn't caused any troubles the past few year which is surprising.  I help as much as I can at home now that Ji's made me return to the office claiming that she can handle everything.  Being stubborn wasn't always her best trait.

"Hello!" Jake greets, coming in with Corey and Esme.

"Sup!" MJ greets back,

"Mummie?" I turn back to the two and watch as Elliott's eyes start to close.

"Lets get you to bed." Ji coos but before she can go up the stair, I stop her and grab Elliott out of her hands.

"I got it, go talk to them." I say, nudging my head towards our long time friends.

"Ok." She pecks my cheek and walks over to Esme and Corey.  I walk up the stairs slowly and make it down the hall, turning into a maroon colored nursery.

"Papa...I luth you too." He slurs as I set him into the crib.  I let out a small chuckle,

"Thanks bud." I kiss his forehead and walk out, shutting the door.  It hisses before locking.

"I know right?  I can't wait to see Alec's reaction." I stiffen at the mention of my name.  Walking down the stairs, I get the attention of everyone.

"What is it now?" I ask, grabbing the coffee cup on the side table by the couch.  Corey steps up to me and shift nervously.

"I know I'm already over 18 but I would still like to think I'm still able to be part of it." I take a sip of the coffee as he hands me a black folder.  I glance at Ji,

"This isn't what I think it is right?" I ask, setting down the cup and opening the folder.

"No, this is not a assassination report." He jokes, I pull out the papers and throw the folder onto the table.

As of today the state of NorthGlen had pronounced you one of the legal guardians of Corey Harris...

"So?" I look up from the papers to Corey,

"Corey....this is amazing!" I answer, his eyes widen and he breaks out into a smile.  I pull him in a hug and we pat each other backs.

"I'm apart of the family now.." He comments, we pull out and everyone cheers softly.

"You were always apart of this family." Jun says, only making his smile widen.

"I'm a Newman!" Corey cheers, jumping up and down.  I glance over to Ji and she leaned against the wall with her eyes closed.

"You could be a Yoon." I suggest, Corey stops and stares at me.

"Really?"  I nod.  The name Newman was merrily a last name to me, though I do share it now with my two favorite people, something tells me that Yoon will always be a special name in my heart.

"Jay!  Can I use your last name?" Corey ask, looking over to her.  It goes silent as we wait for her answer, conveniently Chris walks out of the kitchen and stops and turns to her.

"I'm afraid she's fallen asleep." He states, the room erupts in quiet laughter.

"What are you guys laughin about?" She asks, her eyes still closed and her posture still slumped.

"Your ability to fall asleep anywhere." Esme answers, Ji's eyes open and she turns to us.

The atmosphere drastically changing to a serious aura.

Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else. 

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