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"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" MJ thrashes, tears already escaping his eyes. Ji was bruised and cut, her clothes ripped slightly and her eyes bloodshot, like she was high.

"What? I can not, not resist a beautiful women when I see one." Bailey plays with her hair and Ji stays completely still, her eyes looking at the wall behind us.

"Get your filthy hands off of her." I seethe, my heart pounding. Body aching from the beating earlier and the thoughts piling in.

He didn't touch her. He didn't touch her. He didn't touch her. Not again, not ever.

"Oh." He looks between us,

"OH!" A wicked smile in his lip,

"You're with her." He states, going down to her level. She looks over to me,

"......Don't sign it." She whispers, Bailey grabs her face.

"Wow, the photos don't do you justices. You are truly a beauty." He says, she looks at him. Her jaw clench, shoulders high and tight.

"To bad you have the eyes of your father." He lets her face go, MJ and Jun breath hitch.

Her dad....

Ji stays quiet but it was pretty clear she wasn't fazed by the mention of her dead parents.

"Anyway, if you don't sign it, I'll kill her." Bailey points his gun at her head, I thrash again.


"DON'T HURT HER!" MJ cries, Ji looks at us with a small smile.

"Long live the queen." She whispers, all our eyes widen.

"No....NO!" I cry, a bang goes off, making Bailey look up and towards the door. Ji pulls the gun out of Bailey's hand and shots him in the chest. Shouting could be heard from outside the room, she stands up and limps over to us.  She shots the chains and they break, quickly catching her as she collapse.

"Hey hey you're going to be ok." I whisper, caressing her face.  Jun picks up the gun and walks over to Bailey slowly, staggering.

"Min...Min..."She whispers,

"You hurt her." Jun cries, pointing the gun at Bailey.

"Alec....stop him...." Her blinking becoming a slow pace.

"Jun don't kill him." I plead, Jun stays locked onto Bailey.

"Why shouldn't I!?  Give me damn reason to not kill the coward that hurt my little sister!" He seethes, his hand shaking against the gun.

"Because your not a damn killer man!  Keep your head straight!" I reason,

"He touched her and hit he—" MJ pushes down the gun, looking at his brother.

"Don't turn into something Jay risked her life to prevent..." MJ says, Jun looks over at Ji and then Bailey.  I turn back to Ji knowing that MJ gots Jun.

"I'm really....really sleepy..." She mumble, the door burst opens and Shawn stood there.  Will and Corey behind him.

"Thank the mercy you guys are ok." Corey says, I pick up Ji bridal style.

"You guys...aren't....I'm not letting you win." Bailey says, Shawn and Will snap their guns towards him.

"Should've thought about it before you took her, no one messed with the chief without consequences." Shawn says,

"Come on." Corey ushers and pushes us out, leaving Will and Shawn to finish.  We step over bodies and were escorted by Ji's other people, some looking over, concerned for their leader.  We walk out of the house and Corey opens the SUV doors, Jun and MJ going into one.

"Is she ok?" Corey asks, as I was about to get into the one in front of them.  I gulp, letting out a small grunt.

"She's alive." I say, getting in and hearing him sigh before closing the door.  Looking down to her and kissing her head softly,

"You are never leaving that house or my side again." I whisper, a faint shot goes off and seconds later Shawn and Will get into the front seats.  The cars start moving and we drive smoothly.

"God she looked worst than last time." Will mumbles,

"What do you mean 'last time'?" I growl, Will lets out a nervous laugh.

"Uhh well...." Shawn jerk stops the car,

"What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper yell,

"We're here." Shawn utters, Will lets out a sigh of relief.

"Let's get you guys fixed up and rested."

"She was given doses of benzodiazepine and has small fractures on neck and ribs but if she rest and takes the painkillers she'll be fine." We were all crowded in Ji's room, staring at her unconscious body.

"Her ankle." I mention, not taking my eyes off of her.

"Excuse me?" Cole asks,

"She was limping when she unchained us." I explain, walking over to her and pulling the blanket up by her feet.  Cole bends down and touches it gently, he sighs and brings out medical wrap.

"Her right ankle is sprain." He concludes, wrapping it and standing back up.  He gathers his things,

"Please keep her in bed, if she walks around it'll worsen her injuries." Cole says before leaving,

"I don't like that dude's attitude." Jun mutters,

"He's just worry, Jay's his soft spot, doesn't like seeing her hurt." Will says, I grab Ji's hand gently and kiss it.  Feeling her hand twitch slightly,

"Come on, we should all head to bed, it's been a long day." Seo says, everyone looks wary before nodding and slowly piling out the room.  The door shuts and the lights dim, I move to the other side of the bed and laying down.  Turning to face her and looking at her,

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..." I whisper,

"You did what you could." She croaks, starting to move to her side but I stop her.

"Don't move, it'll hurt more." I say, she groans and moves anyways.  Her eyes glowing slightly,

"How's your cheek?" She ask, bring her hand up to my cheek and caressing it softly.

"Just bruised, dickhead did more to you." I mutter, pulling her closer and rubbing her side.

"I'll be fine." She assures, I sigh softly.

"Yeah but you're still hurt." I argue,

"And you are too, so is MJ and Jun.  You did what you could and we came out alive," She kisses my lips,

"That's the only things that matters." She finishes, I grin and kiss her forehead softly.

"You are....I don't even know how to describe it." I mumble, pulling her against my chest.  She winces when she chuckles softly,

"No laughing." I scold, looking down to her.

"I love you."

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