𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8

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Jimin and i have been together for 6 months now. I really really love him. He's been so amazing and I'm really glad I met him. He met my family and I met his. Jorden has some kinda fantasy that jimins gonna end up marrying him which I got a good laugh out of.

"Hey my beautiful angel" jimin said as he walked through my bedroom door. "Oh Hey my prince" i smiled at him. "I brought you donuts" he said. My face lit up and I grabbed the bag and shoved one into my mouth. He knows I've been having a bad day cuz of my period. He sat down on the side of my bed and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Can you get my chimmy pillow" I begged talking about the chimmy on my desk chair.  He laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I assumed he thought I meant him. "Wrong chimmy but this works equally as great" I said patting his back in a silly way.

Me and jimin cuddled for a while. "Can you light some candles and read me a storyyyy pleaseeee" I begged jimin. "Your so cute" he giggled getting up to go get candles. I went onto my phone to see who added to their snap stories. Then I saw it. An add for chick fil a. Jimin turned to me and I faced my phone towards him showing the add, smiling like a 5 year old. He gave me a "really?" Face. "So do you want me to read you a story or do you want more food" he asked. "fOOD" I said quickly after he finished his sentence. "Alright then" he said. Jimins really fucking nice to me on my period. He grabbed the tv remote and passed it to me knowing I'd be too lazy to reach it myself. I put on vampire diaries and he walked out the door. "You gonna be okay here without a slave?" He asked walking back into the room. "Uhhh no but at least I get chick fil a out of it" I said. He laughed at me and walked out to get me food. I heard him ask Jonah, and Jorden if they wanted anything, I thought it was really cute.

I decided to text my mom since she was on a business trip with my dad and I miss her.

Me: mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Mom: yes kinley? 😂
Me: come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Me: you left me with two crazy people and a boyfriend who is somehow keeping me sane :(
Mom: haha I left you to suffer with those crazy boys.
Me: mean. >:(
Mom: it's been fun having no one bother me for a month :)
Me: rUde :"(
Mom: have fun byeeee 😳☺️
Me: -_-

Me and my mom have a goofy relationship. We act the same and it kinda makes since she's only 34. She had Jonah at 14 which is crazy, me at 16 and Jorden at 19. She never had a problem with having kids young, though Jonah was never planned and my mom only had me cuz she didn't give a fuck about how old she was. We all have the same dad though.

"I'm backkkkk" jimin announced as he walked into my room with my delicious food in his hand. He handed it to me and I instantly shoved a waffle fry into my mouth and devoured it within a second. Jimin just stared at me and laughed. I forced him to watch everybody's everything with me. I've seen it a thousand times since I love lil peep. I have a whole tapestry of him up in my room too.

The whole movie I was sobbing like I usually do and jimin tried comforting me. After a while it worked cuz he was being funny. He laid on top of me looking stupid till it made me stop crying. Then he got up and started dancing like a crazy person till I started laughing my ass off.

Jimin decided to stay the night. We cuddled and made tiktoks, watched movies, had a dance party and I complained a lot. Jimin quickly went home to get clothes and snacks and tell the guys he was staying with me. He walked back into my room and started getting changed. Then he pulled out a hoodie. "Give" I said reaching my hands out. He rolled his eyes and checked it to me. I put it on and hid myself in the hood, my lips being the only thing showing. I felt the bed dip beside me. After a second jimins lips connected to mine. He took the hood off my face and kissed me passionately. "Goodnight my angel" he said staring into my eyes as I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

2:00am ~ Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now