𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5

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"I mean, I'd start on you but, with all these kids around that wouldn't be a wise choice" I smirked sharping my armed around his neck looking up at him. "We can do that later babe~ now come on let's go" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the park.

The first thing we walked by was a cotton candy stand. We got a large stick to share on our way to find rides. Jimin took out his phone and started taking pictures of me shoving cotton candy into my mouth like a crazy person "Kinley-ah save someone for me~" he giggled. "Sowy" I said as I handed the stick to jimin. He stepped closer to me and kissed my head. "Your so cute and silly" he smiled that perfect smile. "No Your so cute and silly" I demanded with an angry pouted face. He giggled and grabbed my chin and pulled me into a kiss. "Let's go" I smiled and pulled me to the roller coaster near by. We hopped onto the ride and buckled ourselves in. "Ready?" Jimin asked while locking his fingers with mine. "Yeah, are you?" I replied. "As long as you're with me, I'll always be ready" he smiled. I blushed hard trying to hide it. The ride began going up higher and higher. After 20 seconds or so the ride came to a stop at the top. "Wow that's high" I said feeling a small knot build up in my stomach. "Look at the view it'll calm you down" jimin said calmly. I looked at the beach. The blue sky, palm trees, the sun lighting everything up. It was pretty. All of a sudden the ride shot down. It turned to the right and went back up. As soon as it went back up it dropped again and made a loop. After a whole minute the ride finally came to an end. I looked at jimins face and bursted out into laughter. "Hey~ it's not funny. The ride was scary" he whined.

"Let's go here" jimin pulled me towards a haunted house. "Doesn't looks scary at all" I shrugged and we walked in.

We walked through the dark room with spider webs falling from the ceiling. Next thing I know there's a clown hanging with the spiderwebs. It creeped me out a little bit. We then walked into a room of mirrors. "This way" I said leading jimin. I walked confidently through the whole maze and made it through easy. "Wait where's jimin?" I questioned myself. I walked back into the maze and first thing I saw was jimin walk straight into a mirror. I burst out into laughter. "Your a crack up today" I barley got out from laughing so hard. He gave me the -_- face and walked past me. I turned to him and hugged his waist. "Sorry for laughing at you. Your just so silly and funny I can't help it." I said. "My nose hurts" he whined. "Come here" I said as I turned him towards me and kissed his nose. "Much better" he squeaked. we smiled at each other and walked off to the next part of the house.

After. Few parts of the house we made it to a spinning room. There was a small bridge going through to the other side and large screens that had a spinning video of purple space like swirls. "Ah shit jimin I get dizzy easy." I said. "It's okay I'll catch you if you fall" he smiled. It was a pretty long bridge which sucked. But I had jimin so I'll be fine. we walked through and I started getting dizzy. Near the end I lost me balance and fell. Jimin caught me and our faces were inches apart. He passionately kissed my lips and picked my up bridal style and carried me out the room. "Your too cute" we said at the same time and laughed.

After a long day of rides games and food we
Decided to go down to the beach. We bought a pack of sparklers and a lighter. We ran into the sand and chased after each other. We ran around and talked for a while. Soon enough the sun was almost completely down. someone had a speaker and started playing little league by Conan Gray. We grabbed the sparklers and lit them. We ran around and jumped up and down being crazy with the sparklers. Jimin got his last sparkler and grabbed my waist. He pulled me completely up against his body. He lit his sparkler and held it beside us. "Kinley, I know we only met a week ago but, I feel like I've known you for so long. You bring me nothing but true happiness. You make me smile, and you give me so many memories. Before you walked into my life I was sad, never left my room, never ate. I didn't have any good memories apart from being on tour. Then the night you walked into my life I was brought so much positivity and happiness. And I don't want you to feel any pressure to say anything back. I just need you to know. I love you" my jaw was dropped and tears had formed in my eyes. "I-I love you too" I said and kisses him passionately. We pulled away and jimin wiped a tear from my cheek.

We finally got home and I laid on the bed thinking. "We have to go home the day after tomorrow. The guys need me for a photo shoot. But at least we'll still have tomorrow" jimin said. "That's fine. Come here I need a cuddle." He plopped onto the bed and his arms locked around me. "Goodnight angel" he said kissing my lips gently, me kissing back. And with that we went to sleep thinking about the amazing day we had.

2:00am ~ Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now