Spoiled Vampire (Thirty-Six)

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                “Vincent.” I said quietly in the dark. I was practically sitting on him. He didn’t even stir. “Vincent.” I said a bit louder. This time I could see his eyes twitch. “Vincent.” My voice was now a normal tone. “Vincent!” I screamed. He sat up quickly, making us bump heads. “Oww!” I said while I was holding my forehead, I noticed Vincent was doing the same.

                “What is it?” He whined like a little kid.

                “I’m thirsty.” I had not really had anything to drink since I became a vampire. We didn’t need it that often, but I was getting really thirsty.

                “Oh yeah. You haven’t drank since the first day I turned you. Damn that’s been a while. I’m sorry sweetie. I’ll be right back.” When he got out of bed and walk out the door I sighed and fell backwards on the bed. He was taking too long I had decided. I felt like when you’re running in gym class dying to get some water but knowing there are only a few minutes left. But those few minutes seem like forever. Why didn’t he just blink? I am so going to smack him for this long wait when he comes back. A second later the door opened. “Here, love.” He said handing me a glass. I took a sit as he sat down on the bed. A cold bitter taste filled my mouth. I spit it out on Vincent by accident. “What the fuck?” He screamed standing up.

                “It’s gross. I don’t like it.” I told him as he took the glass.

                “You have to drink or you’ll die. Why don’t you like it?”

                “It’s cold and bitter and it reminds me of coffee. I don’t like coffee and I don’t like that.” I told him as I crossed my arms.

                “Lucia, please just drink it.” He was irritated.

                “Okay.” I took the glass from him and took two tiny sips, making sure I didn’t taste much of it. Then my stomach turned. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. Vincent blinked beside me and held my hair.

                “Come here.” He said when I was finished. He picked me up and sat me on the bathroom counter. He took a wet wash cloth and wiped my face off with it. I half smiled at him. I still felt sick and my throat was still burning. He picked me up again and carried me to one of the couches in his room. He sat down and I was on his lap. My head rested on his shoulder. “Bite me.” He told me.

                “What?” I asked him sitting up.

                “You liked my blood before, so bite me. You can just drink from me, but don’t take too much. You can always have more later.” He smiled at me and moved his lips to my ear, “And that’s not all you can have later.” I blushed like crazy, but moved my lips on his. We kissed for a few seconds until I pulled away to kiss his neck. When I got to his vein I licked it and began to suck. He moaned and pushed my head closer. I smiled against his skin and slowly sank my fangs in his neck. He moaned again and as I began drinking he repositioned me so I was straddling him. We moved out bodies against each other as I drank from him. “Lucia.” He moaned, “Lucia.” He tried again, “Lucia you need to stop now.” I licked his neck and pulled away.

                “Thank you.” I smiled, licking my lips.

                “You’re a very spoiled vampire, you know.” He pecked my lips.

                “You enjoyed that just as much as I did.” I told him.

                “How do you know?” He asked.

                “Well you were moaning and this,” I said grabbing his crouch, “Certainly helps my case.” He groaned again.

                “I want you.” He whispered in my ear. I smiled and bit my lip.

                “Too bad. I promised Sarah I would play a game with her.” I told him getting up. I was next to the bed getting something out of the nightstand when he tackled me onto the bed.

                “Too bad, you’re mine.” He growled.

                “Oh no Mr. Prince. Please don’t hurt me!” I fake cried.

                “That’s Vincent to you.” He said in a fake stern voice. I giggled and kissed him on the lips.

                “Well Vincent, I’m sorry but I’ve got to go.” I told him trying to get up.

                “You don’t want me?” He looked very hurt.

                “I do, believe me, I do.” I kissed him, “But I promised Sarah. And no one has really been paying much attention to her lately.”

                “What are you and Sarah going to do today?” He asked, uncaging me, but still holding me.

                “Swimming.” I shrugged.

                “Can I come with you?” He gave me a puppy dog pout.

                “Sure haha. Paul is probably here by now.” Sarah had invited him over for the day. She really had a crush on him.

                “If he breaks her heart…” He paused, “I’ll break his neck.”

                “I’m sure you will, dear. Let’s get dressed.”


                We had been playing in the water for a few hours now. Sarah and Paul were flirting with each other while Vincent and I watched. They had jumped off of the diving board a few times each and always caught each other when they jumped. It was very cute. “I think I hear wedding bells.” Vincent whispered to me so they couldn’t hear.

                “Yeah…” I paused for dramatic effect, “Ours!” I screamed as I pushed him in the pool. But just when I thought I had gotten away with it he grabbed my hand and I tumbled in after him. The dogs, Jim and no name, began barking at us. I giggled as we came back up to the surface. Vincent growled and pretended to be mad. I laughed and splashed him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me underwater with him. We swam to the bottom of the deep end. I took his other hand and he pulled me closer to him. Our bodies were entwined and our lips met. I pushed him away and swam to the surface. He followed a few seconds later.

                “That was not nice.” He told him.

                “I never said I was a nice person.” I shrugged.

                “I know. And I’m not either.” He was suddenly very serious.

                “What do you mean?” He had come closer and now had his arms under me. I was afraid for the first time in a while.

                “I’ve been terrible to you. All of those things I’ve done. I wonder how you forgave me and why so easily.” I relaxed a bit and stood up.

                “It’s simple really.” I kissed him as I held him, “I love you.”

                He smiled, “I love you too.”

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