Simple Answers (Thirty-Two)

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                After lunch we had gone to the gazebo and practiced my mind reading on Vincent. I was getting really good at it and could do it without focusing. After we stayed out for a while we walked back to the house. Vincent told me to go ahead and take a shower, and that he had a phone call to make. I agreed and went to jump in. When I returned he was lying on the bed wearing nothing but black silk boxers. His muscular chest and abs made me want to jump him right there. His eyes were closed, his hair was falling slightly over his face, and he also had his hands behind his head. Vincent’s phone was lying on the table next to the bed. I smiled when I got into bed beside of him. I laid my head on his chest and cuddled into him. His arms automatically wrapped around me, holding me closer to him. I slowly drifted into a wonderful sleep.

                In the morning Vincent woke me up (too early in my opinion). “Just a few more minutes.” I told him, trying to pull him back into the bed.

                “I would love to cuddle with you for a few more hours but the seer is coming in a little while. You need to get up and get ready.” He said, pulling the covers off of me. I sighed but got up anyway looking at him. When I did I decided to read his mind.

                “Her eyes are so beautiful. I love looking into them as she has the ultimate pleasure. How I would love to take her right now.” I smiled when I heard this, and then looked down at his pants. There was a bulge in them. I let out a giggle.

                “Why oh why did I teach you to read minds?” He asked, shaking his head. I laughed and kissed him.

                “Because you love me and I love you. Besides, I’d love for you to take me too.” I gave him a devilish grin. His hand snaked its way up my shirt almost to the edge of my bra, but suddenly pulled away.

                “We don’t have time, love. I wish we did but you’ve got ten minutes to get dressed. Hop to it!” He said, smacking my ass as he pulled me out of the bed.

                “Hey!” I screeched, but he just laughed and dragged me to the closet. I picked out a pair of grey skinny jeans, a white lace top, and some black heels. After I got dressed I spun around for Vincent. He smiled. “How do I look?”

                “Eh…Okay.” He shrugged. I frowned at him. “Well I like it better when your clothes are off.” He smiled as he grabbed my ass. I smiled and kissed him teasingly.

                We went down stairs and sat in the living room waiting for the seer to arrive. Gren was lying in the floor looking up at the chandelier trying to count the crystals. Sarah was in the corner playing with something. My head was on Vincent’s shoulder and I was starting to fall asleep when I heard a loud knock at the door. “It’s not that loud, you’re a vampire now so your hearing is more precise.” He shrugged as Vincent, Sarah, and I stood up and walked automatically to the door.

                When Vincent opened it I looked at the woman standing outside of the house. She was short, but would have been taller if she were standing straight. She wore rags that were too big for her and to be blunt, she was hideous. I shuddered when I saw her. She noticed and said this, “Honey, I promise ya that I’m more afraid of yer kind that ya could ever be of mine.” Then she walked through the door.

                “I’m sorry.” I told her sincerely.

                “It’s okay dear. It’s simple nature to be scared of the unknown. Where is the boy?” She asked looked around.

                “This way.” Vincent said as we all walked to Gren.

                “120, 121, 122, 123, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7.” Gren counted, pointing up with every number.

                “Gren.” Vincent cleared his throat.

                “Vince I told you I don’t know when Lucia is coming back.” He said, sounding extremely annoyed. “1,2,3,4,5,6…” He started counting again.

                “I’m right here, Gren.” I told him. He let out a growl of frustration and started over yet again . He normally wasn’t like this. He was always so laid back and easy going.

                “He can’t keep focused.” The seer said. “He says Lucia isn’t here. Why does he say that?” She asked while turning away from him to look at us.

                “We aren’t really sure. He’s never been quite right, he gets things mixed up. For example when I sent Lucia here home he thought we had gotten married and that she was still here. Now that she’s here and we are getting married he thinks she’s away.” Vincent explained. Before he was even finished she went to him and placed her hand upon his head. He cringed like she was hurting him. When she pulled away after a moment she had shock and fear on her face.

                “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked in her tiniest voice.

                “Sweetie why don’t you go help Gren count? We’ll be in the dining room.” Vincent said as we all began to walk.

                “Gren doesn’t have his own thoughts.” She said simply as we sat down at the massive table.

                “Whose thoughts does he have?” I asked.          

                “A demon’s. It’s harmless. By the look of things it’s not affecting him at all. He doesn’t know what he’s thinking. It’s best to leave it be.” She said shaking her head. “I have to go.” And with that she disappeared.

                “So I guess that’s the reason he acts like a child sometimes?” I wondered aloud.

                “Yes, I guess so. I suppose the thoughts are preventing him from creating new thoughts. He just gets bits and pieces of information and soaks it in. The rest of it sort of evaporates. He makes things up. He’s fine though, he’s happy.” Vincent said. That was too simple.

                “How do you know all of this? If you knew why did you call a seer?” I was skeptic.

                “I read her mind. She explained everything that way.” He shrugged.

                “Why didn’t she say it aloud?”

                “Her throat is ancient and always dry. She figures vampires can read minds so she assumed we were doing so.” Vincent said as we walked back into the living room to find Gren and Sarah counting the crystals once again.

                “Uncle Vince?” Sarah asked in the sweetest voice she could muster.

                “Yeah?” He asked, already knowing what she wanted.

                “I want a pet.” He said. I giggled.

                “A pet?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. I was jealous, I couldn’t do that.

                “Yes. I want a puppy.” I laughed again. She frowned at me.

                “Okay, we’ll get a puppy for you.” He decided. My mouth dropped open, he looked at me, “What? You want one too?” He asked jokingly. I smiled.            

                “Yes.” I said.

                “Really?” He asked.

                “Yep. A small one.” He looked at me like I was crazy.

                “Me too!” Sarah shrieked excitedly.

                “Okay, anything for my girls.” He sighed at went to call our new driver.

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