Burritos and Friends

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A/N: I wrote this chapter in like ten minutes so soz if it sucks but it's kind of important even though it's a filler chapter, it's helping me set up the Christmas chapter I have planned💕

After thanksgiving, Ariana and I were getting ready to travel for jingle ball. More like Ari was, since I had work today and she didn't need to be at the studio.

I was currently alone in what I considered my office. I only called it my office because only I worked on the soundboard and recording equipment in there. I think someone even talked about getting a nameplate to put on the door, labelling the room as mine. I was waiting for Ed Sheeran to show to record something. I wasn't sure what. I was just bored. Ed was actually a nice guy, and I didn't even think he needed to record anything. I think he was just looking for an excuse to hang out away from alcohol for a while. He was trying to slow down on his drinking, which I was proud of him for. He wasn't an alcoholic, but he knew that's where he'd be heading if he didn't chill.

I was casually strumming my guitar and humming Tenerife Sea (A/N: @ellawhoran I can't stop listening to it since last night omfg) as I waited. Suddenly the door opened and a goofy looking kid tripped inside, spilling all of his papers on the floor.

"Oh! God," he sighed, scrambling to pick up all of his stuff. He was muttering to himself the whole time, and kept dropping his stuff every time he stopped to pull his sleeves down. I set my guitar down and went over to help him. He jumped and fell over when I crouched in front of him.

"Whoa! You okay?" I asked, reaching out a hand to help him up. He took it nervously, his hand trembling. I helped him collect his things and handed them to him.

"I'm Lyric," I said, holding out my hand for him to shake.

"C-Casen," he stuttered, looking down at his papers. "S-Sorry. I'm in the wr-wrong room."

"That's okay," I said kindly. "Everyone makes mistakes." He looked up at me and smiled nervously. He had a black fringe and sparkling blue-green eyes. He was skinny and feminine, tucked into some black skinny jeans. If I was into guys I'd totally have given him my number.

"W-Well I should be g-going now. B-Bye Lyric," he said softly, turning around and leaving, mumbling to himself as he did. I closed the door and went back to playing my guitar and waiting for Ed.

"Lyric!" Ed said happily, walking in a few minutes later.

"What's up?" I replied, getting up and hugging him. He held his hand up. "I brought burritos."

"Aw, you're the best!" I cried, taking one of the bags from him and kissing his cheek. He pulled up a chair and we started eating and talking music.

After hanging out for a couple of hours, I had to get home to Ari.

"You're welcome to come," I told Ed. He just smiled and shook his head. "I think the big black balls incident was enough for a while." I just laughed and hugged him goodbye before leaving. On my way out of the building, I saw Casen walking down the block with a bunch of papers in his arms. They were probably studio appointments, meaning he was new. I remembered being the new kid around here and getting stuck with organising those and making sure there were no mistakes.

Suddenly a couple of kids came running down the block, pushing Casen into a wall, knocking all of his stuff out of his arms before laughing and running away.

I took off towards the skinny boy and began helping him gather his papers again.

"Y-You're like a guardian a-angel," he stuttered, blushing as he did.

"I'm just a good citizen in the right place at the right time," I replied, helping him up. "Need a ride home?"

"N-No thanks," he said softly. "The b-b-bus is right there. Th-Thanks anyw-way."

"No problem Casen," I smiled before leaving to my car. I couldn't shake the look of awe on his face as I said his name. He looked like no one had ever bothered to learn his name before.


When I walked in the front door, Ariana ambushed me.

"You're so cute!" She squealed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, pushing her off so I could see her properly.

"Paparazzi saw you helping that kid," she replied, showing me her phone.

"Oh. Casen," I said, looking at the picture.

"What a Good Samaritan," Ari teased.

"I'm only good in the streets," I said seductively. Ari giggled and kissed me. "Shut up. You're such a dork."

"Thank you very much," I smiled, scooping her up in my arms. Ariana laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek. What she had said to Liz, Matt and Frankie was still stuck in my head. "She's the love of my life. Forever."

"I love you, a lot," I told her, carrying her into the living room.

"I love you too," she smiled, pecking my lips gently.

"No, I mean really love you," I said. "Like, I want us to be a family. With a bunch of dogs and a cat or two for me. And a couple of kids. Just you and me in a pretty house with our family, loving each other even when we're old and have dementia."

"You just went and ruined a perfect plan," Ariana giggled. I shushed her with a kiss before continuing. "I'm serious. Can't you see it? You, me, a couple of kids and a bunch of dogs. A cat for me to pet while I'm reading and watching you play with the kids in our yard. I'll play video games with our sons and you'll play dress up with our girls. It would be so perfect. We'd cook dinner together every night and put everyone to bed together. The kids would have their own rooms. It would be perfect. You and me, and our little family."

"Yeah," Ari said softly, nuzzling her head into my shoulder. "You and me. You're stuck with me now."

"I'd consider more, 'I've won the lottery of life'," I said, kissing her forehead.

"I love you," Ariana smiled.

"I love you too," I replied, cuddling with her on the couch. I laid there with her until she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and laid awake, mentally planning out a life for us. I was so excited.

Before I'd met Ariana, I really didn't have a plan. I was just kind of living day to day. Figured I might meet a nice girl on campus, or even in a coffee shop somewhere. Things would go slow. We'd fall in love and live out our life together. Now? All I wanted was Ari. Our life together had been kind of a roller coaster, but it was perfect, because it was always us. Me and Ari. Ari and me. I wouldn't give that up for anything. I loved her entirely way too much.

"You're my everything," I mumbled into her hair before finally dosing off myself, my dreams full of the life I finally wanted to live.

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