Make Outs and Break Ups

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After Lyric kissed me, I hid in my room. I don't even know why I hid. God, I'm such a coward.
Frankie and Donny had both won Head of Household on Big Brother this week, and the reward was they both got to call home. I seriously hoped Frankie would call soon because I needed my brothers advice.
After laying on my bed for an hour, my phone rang. I dove for it, hoping it was Frankie.
"Hello?" I answered breathlessly.
"Um, hi," someone drawled on the other line. I sighed, figuring this guy had called the wrong number. Suddenly I heard familiar laughter in the back so I shouted, "Frankie! You ass!"
"I'm sorry Ari," he said, still laughing and taking the phone from who I guessed was Donny.
"How's everything at home?" Frankie asked me once he'd calmed down.
"Um, Nathan came over drunk last night and accused me of cheating on him with Lyric and then today she kissed me," I spilled after a few minutes.
"Ooh yay finally!" He cheered. "Then what happened?"
"Um, I ran," I admitted.
"Why'd you run!?"
"I don't know," I groaned into the phone, falling backwards on my bed.
"Well, did you enjoy it?"
"I don't know Frankie," I sighed, rubbing Toulouse's head when she jumped up and laid down next to me.
"Just think about it Ari. Think about if you really enjoyed it, because I think you did. I love you boo!" Frankie hung up and I groaned before throwing my phone on my bed, making Toulouse whimper.
I spent the next couple of hours thinking about her. I couldn't get Lyric out of my head. Her red hair, Hazel eyes, soft lips, gentle and warm against mine... She was stuck there. As I lay there thinking about what happened today, my phone buzzed with a text from Nathan.

Nate💏: We need to talk.

That's how I found myself sitting at a little cafe a few blocks from my house, waiting for Nathan. He sauntered in a few moments later and sat down across from me.
"Hi," I said cheerily, smiling at him.
"Don't." Was his reply. I sat there in silence, waiting for him to say what he needed to say, because obviously I wasn't supposed to say anything.
"I can't do this anymore," he said after a few moments. "I just, can't. We're not working out, and I know you have feelings for Lyric."
"I d-"
"Don't deny it," Nathan interrupted. "I can see it in your eyes. I don't know, maybe you haven't realised it yourself yet, but I see it. This relationship just isn't healthy anymore. And, I'm sorry, but I'm done." With that, he walked out of the cafe.
Instead of being sad like I should have been, I felt, elated. All I wanted to do was tell Lyric. But I didn't know where she'd gone. She always told me that Frankie and I were her only friends, and she didn't keep in contact with her family much, so where? Then it hit me.
The studio.
I ran out of the cafe and down twelve blocks to the studio. When I burst in the door, Lyric was strumming a guitar along with the guitar from whatever song she was listening to, but dropped it when I startled her.
"A-Ari," she stammered but I stormed over, grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. When we broke apart, I pressed my forehead against her and said, "Nate dumped me. We're done. For good. For good Lyric!"
"So, why are you kissing me?" She asked. I shrugged and stepped back. "I don't know. I just... I'm sorry."
"No no," Lyric said, standing up and coming over to me. She cupped my face and kissed me gently again. "It's fine. I only asked cause of what happened before."
"Frankie and Nathan both said I had feelings for you I just hadn't realised yet. So, I wanted to see if they were right," I replied sheepishly.
"Well?" Lyric asked in anticipation. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her softly again.
"Yeah," I said, "They were right." Lyric grinned happily, her hands resting on my waist.
"Jesus Christ, finally," she muttered to herself and I laughed.
"What?" I asked.
"Um, I've had the biggest fucking crush on you since I first saw you in person last year on a rainy Wednesday in this very studio. Oh my God Grande, you take forever." I just laughed and rested my head on her shoulder, her arms wrapped securely around my waist.
We spent the rest of the day sitting in the studio. Lyric played guitar and rapped a little bit while I sang some random songs and other nonsense. We also did a lot of kissing, so that was a ton of fun. We finally left when it was dark, so we wouldn't be stopped or stalked by paparazzi, asking why I was holding my girlfriends hand.
Yes. My girlfriend.
God I get such a thrill out of that.
That night, I crawled into Lyric's bed and cuddled into her side, drifting off to sleep, happier than I'd been in a while.

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