Paranoia and PDA

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After a few weeks, Ariana started to feel normal again, and she wrote a new song called "Break Free." She told me it was inspired by Nathan in a way. It was an amazing song too. But, I'm probably being biased.

I was currently curled up on the couch reading. I had a day off work today but I still had a few classes in the morning, so Ari had gone to the studio alone today.

I was honestly scared to leave the house. The paparazzi were a constant threat. Since Ariana had told Frankie about our relationship and he read the letter on national television, it was official. Ariana decided to also tweet out a picture of me making her dinner with the caption, "Making me dinner cause she loves me👭💜"

The media explosion and paparazzi constantly in my face was seriously overwhelming, but I loved Ariana. I'd do anything for her, including putting up with pesky shit that made me really nervous.

As I read on the couch, I heard what sounded like a door closing upstairs. I frowned, not having heard Ariana come in. I would've seen her as well, since the living room was the first thing you saw when you walked in the front door. It could've been one of the dogs, since only Ophelia was with me downstairs. Then I heard Fawkes start to bark as the floorboards creaked slightly. I tensed, terrified that there was a murderer or something in the house. I tiptoed over to the baseball bat I kept in the living room at all times. I was kind of paranoid, so I kept a baseball bat in every room.

I picked up the bat and brought it with me as I crept upstairs as quietly as possible, skipping the sixth step on the way up that creaked.

I checked all the rooms upstairs, not sure what Fawkes had been barking at and who had closed the bathroom door. As I reached the last door to check- my bedroom- the front door opened.

"Baby! I'm home!" Ariana called. I ran downstairs and hugged her tightly, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.

"What's wrong?" She asked, referring to the bat in my hand.

"I thought I heard something. It was nothing," I said dismissively, putting the bat down against the coat closet by the front door.

"Okay," Ari replied, slumping in my arms. "God, I'm so fucking tired."

I scooped her up in my arms, making her laugh before carrying her upstairs. "Are you hungry?"

"Let's just do popcorn and a movie," Ari said as I set her down on my bed. She had pretty much moved into my room because she wanted to sleep with me, not that I minded. I kissed her forehead and went back downstairs to make sure the dogs had enough food and water before making popcorn and bringing it upstairs with two glasses of iced tea.

"Oh I love you," Ari said when I reappeared with the popcorn and iced tea.

"Love you more bub," I said, setting the tray down and kissing her forehead. Ariana grabbed the collar of my tee shirt and kissed me gently. I climbed on top of her, deepening the kiss and tangling my fingers in her hair. We finally broke apart after a few minutes and I kissed her forehead quickly before crawling under the covers next to her, holding Ariana comfortingly. She'd put on Ace Ventura and I smiled, loving this movie and Jim Carrey.

Ariana took a picture of us, her face partially hidden by her hiding it in my shoulder with the caption, "Movie night with babe💜 night everyone. Love u all😘"

During the course of the movie, I had the unsettling feeling that we were being watched. Ariana had passed out a little over an hour into the movie, so I was up by myself. I couldn't sleep because of that stupid feeling that I was being watched. It completely creeped me out and made my skin crawl. I figured that the paparazzi were just getting to me, so I tried to shake the thought out of my head and go to sleep, my only comforting thought being that Fawkes would be the first to take care of any intruders if they got in the house, since she didn't take shit from anyone as Ari had described. And it was true. Fawkes might have been small, but she was tough as nails. That was the only reason I fell asleep tonight.

Break Free // a.g (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now