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I woke up the next morning and something felt, off. Then I realised.
Ariana was sleeping, in my bed. I was shocked for a moment before I remembered yesterday. As I lay there, completely happy with what just happened, my phone rang. I snatched it up quickly and answered without checking to see who it was, gently sliding out of Ari's grasp to stand in the hall outside my room.
"Hello?" I answered quietly.
"Hey bootylicious," Frankie said flirtatiously. I squealed with excitement and ran down into the living room, flopping on the couch.
"Frankie! How are you?" I asked excitedly.
"Oh gurl you already know," he said sassily, making me laugh. "But how are you? Ari told me about yesterday."
"She found me at the studio, told me Nate broke up with her, kissed me and slept in my bed. Your sister is officially gay for me."
"Yay! I want Lariana babies!"
"Neither of us have a dick," I reminded him. He laughed. "That's what adoption is for!"
"Whatever," I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. "You know I love you but I've got to go make breakfast in bed for my princess."
"Oh my god you guys are disgustingly gay and cute. You're gute."
"That sounds like some sort of STD," I shuddered and Frankie just laughed.
"Alright booty, love you!" Frankie shouted, making kissy noises into the phone. I laughed and said, "Love you too boo. Bye. Make sure you win Big Brother!"
"Of course boo-thang," Frankie said, making more kissy faces into the phone before hanging up. I giggled and got up from the couch before going into the kitchen and making Ariana's favourite breakfast.
Twenty minutes later, I was easing open my bedroom door, a tray of french toast, fruit salad and orange juice in my arms. Ariana rolled over, still mumbling in her sleep to face me and I smiled before sitting next to her, setting the tray down on my other side and beginning to wake her.
"Ari," I said gently, shaking her shoulder. After a few minutes she yawned and looked up at me.
"Hey," she smiled. I smiled back and kissed her forehead before setting the tray over her lap. She sat up and looked shocked at the food in front of her before saying, "It's barely been a day and you're already the best person I've ever dated." I started to laugh and she added, "I couldn't say girl because you're the only girl I've ever dated." Which only made me laugh harder.
"Come here," she said, reaching for me. I pulled her into a hug, being careful not to knock over the food. Ariana kissed my cheek before she started eating, making me eat with her.
After we finished, we both went to our private bathrooms to get ready for today. Ariana didn't want to tell everyone about me yet because she knew I'd panic having all that attention in my face, which I was thankful for, but she had to go to the studio today so she insisted I come. I told her I had to go anyway because I worked there and she shushed me before kissing my cheek and leaving to take a shower.
After I finished straightening my hair, I pulled on a Bring Me The Horizon tee shirt and some light blue denim shorts. I walked out of my bathroom and slipped on some socks and white converse before walking downstairs. Ariana came skipping down a moment later and kissed me for real this time, since before we both had morning breath before. Then she squeezed my hand since she knew we couldn't hold hands outside, and opened the door. We stepped about a foot outside before the cameras started flashing.
"Are you two together!?"
"Ariana, does being gay run in your family!?"
"Did you break up Nariana!?"
"How long have you been together!?"
"Ariana did you cheat on Nathan with her!?"
I stood there dumbfounded and scared, not sure where to go or what to do. Ariana was stock still beside me, shock all over her face. We weren't even standing close to each other, so I didn't know why they thought we were together, or who could've possibly tipped them off. The colour drained from my face and my knees felt weak as I suddenly wanted to pass out.

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