Princesses and Puppies

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(A/N: 11K holy shit & I'm really drunk right now this is great)

When I walked into the house after work that day, I was immediately greeted by my new kitten, who was meowing quietly and circling around my ankles. I chuckled and scooped her up- she could literally fit in the palm of my hand- and walked into the kitchen with her.

Ariana was sitting at the counter, humming along to whatever song was playing on the radio behind her, letting something boil while she flipped through a magazine. I walked over behind her and snuck a kiss on her cheek, surprising her and making her giggle.

"Hey," she smiled.

"What are you doing?" I asked, setting Lacy down to scamper off and play with the dogs before wrapping my arms around Ariana's waist.

"Cooking, planning and waiting for my phone to ring," she said distractedly. I rubbed her shoulders and peeked at the magazine over the top of her head. Wedding themes.

"Am I allowed to help?" I asked cheekily. She smiled and said, "Maybe."

Just then the phone rang. Ari snatched it up quickly and answered breathlessly. "Hello?... Yeah... Really!?... Great! I'll be there soon!" She hung up and squealed excitedly.

"What's up?" I asked, still rubbing her shoulders.

"Um, I may have-"

"Did you adopt a new dog?" I asked in amusement.

"Maybe?" She squeaked. I laughed and kissed the top of her head. "Alright. Let's go get the mutt."

"Yayayay!" Ari jumped off the kitchen stool and ran over to grab her car keys, racing outside. I laughed at how cute she was before calling, "Frankie!"

"Yes bootylicious!?" He called back from upstairs.

"Can you watch Lacy for me!?" I asked. "And whatever Ari's cooking!?"

"Of course," he said flamboyantly, skipping downstairs and scooping up my kitten in his hands.

"Mama loves you," I said, scratching her face. She meowed in pleasure before licking one of my fingers. I kissed the top of her head before thanking Frankie again and walking outside.

The drive to the shelter was full of me tapping my fingers against the wheel to the beat of Carry On My Wayward Son while Ariana bounced with excitement.

She was out of the car before I'd even parked.

I jogged to catch up to her, chuckling under my breath while my heart melted at how cute she was; excitement sparkling in her eyes. She hopped up to the counter and said, "I'm here to pick up my new baby." The girl at the counter laughed and sent some information into the back on her computer before printing out a form. "Sign your names and name your new baby." Ari giggled and signed her name before I signed mine. Just then the curly brown haired pup was brought out of the back and Ariana like literally melted.

"Oh he's so perfect!" She squealed, falling to her knees and hugging the excited puppy tightly to her chest.

"What are you gonna name him?" The girl behind the counter asked. I wrote a name down quickly I knew Ari wouldn't argue with and passed the paper back to the girl. She took a look and smiled. "Sirius. What a nice name."

"Oh my god you're amazing I love you," Ari said, jumping off the floor, Sirius still in her arms and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and rested my hands on her waist.

"Well Mr. Black," I said to our new puppy when we broke apart, "Welcome to the family." I scratched his head and he wagged his tail appreciatively.

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