Pets and Plans

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As soon as I heard the creak, I say straight up in bed. It hadn't been like this for a while. I thought our stalker was gone. I don't know why I'm so stupid.

I listened carefully, but all I heard was Ari's quiet breathing. I started to relax, thinking I had imagined it, when I heard it again. It sounded like the creaky stair we had, and I'm sure I heard a dog whimper.

The dogs.

Oh God they were all out there with our intruder. I climbed out of bed carefully and grabbed a bat, peeking out of my door carefully. No one was in the hallway, so I creeped over to Ari's former bedroom and opened the door to find Sirius, Toulouse and Lacy in there, hiding under the bed. I scooped up Lacy and her little carrier so she wouldn't jump on the bed and make Ariana's allergies act up. I led Sirius and Toulouse into our room and left them with Lacy before going to look for Fawkes, Ophelia and Coco.

Fawkes was sleeping with Frankie and Zach, which was good. I sighed in relief, but my stomach still twisted. They were both asleep, meaning the creaking couldn't have come from them.

I heard a cabinet in the kitchen close and I froze. I was going to shit myself. Who the fuck was in our house?

I peeked downstairs and saw Ophelia and Coco laying on the couch, staring towards the kitchen. I tried to get their attention as quietly as I could. Finally Coco saw me and jumped off the couch, walking towards the stairs. Thankfully, Ophelia followed. The two of them came upstairs and I brought them into our room before locking the door and sighing again. Hopefully that would keep that bastard from hurting the dogs or Ari. I slept with the bat in my hands, the dogs all around us on the floor while Lacy was in her little cage.

I somehow managed to fall back asleep even though I wasn't rested when I woke up the next day.

Ariana was the one who woke me up. I jumped and looked at her, the bat still clutched in my hands.

"What's with all the dogs and why are you sleeping with a bat?" She questioned. Then she looked behind me and asked, "Maybe it's because we left the door open?" My eyes went wide and I slowly turned around to see if it was true.

Our door- which I had locked last night- was open.

This wasn't a door that could be opened from the outside once locked. There was no key hole or anything.

"Lyric, what's wrong?" Ari asked me, laying a hand on my arm. I didn't have time to change my facial expression when I looked at her. My eyes were wide with fear and my mouth hung slightly open. Ariana took one look at me and her eyes filled with fear too.

"D-Did-" I cut her off by nodding. She held Sirius tightly to her chest, as he happened to be on her lap right now.

"W-What about Fawkes?" She asked quickly. "And Lacy? Oh my God Lyric!"

"Relax," I soothed, holding her shoulders. I leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed the handle of the cage, lifting it to show a sleeping Lacy. "Fawkes was sleeping in your brothers room when I went looking for all the dogs."

"Oh thank God," she sighed, her hand resting on her heart. I enveloped her in my arms and held her there. "Everything's going to be okay," I promised. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

"What about you?" She whispered.

"Don't worry about me," I said, pulling back and kissing her forehead.

"It's my job to worry about you," she said. "You worry about me, I worry about you. We're a team, Lyric. Okay? I already told you that. You're my family and I'm yours. So yes, I'm going to worry about you. That's my job before anything else."

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