Home Comings Pt. 2

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After a while, I heard the three of them in the living room, laughing and joking and eating pizza. I could hear them very clearly too. Not once did anyone say, "Hey, have you seen Lyric?" And boy did that feel awesome.

I felt like an outsider, so I did what I always did when I felt that way- I ran.

Our laundry room had a door leading to the garage. I snatched one of my freshly cleaned and dried jackets from the dryer, my bottle of vodka and my phone and left through the garage.

I still had Ariana's car keys in my pocket, so I got in her car and took off. I wasn't sure where I was going, only that I'd only had a little bit of the vodka from the bottle I'd taken from the fridge. I stashed the bottle under the car seat, in case an officer spotted it and I got arrested. I really didn't want to have Ariana have to come bail me out.

I drove for almost an hour until I realised where I was. I stopped in front of my old house and sat in the car, just staring. I saw the lights on and a couple of kids running around. Then I saw a woman come into the room with an apron on and what looked like a wet spatula, shooing them away. When she came to close the curtains, my heart seized. It was my mom. She still lived here.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka and went to sit on the back porch, just drinking. I knew sooner or later she'd come out here to smoke. She always said smoking was bad and that she'd never do it, but she smoked every night after the kids went to bed.

Around fifteen minutes later a voice said, "Get off my back porch or I'll call the police."

"You don't have a phone," I reminded her, taking another swig of vodka.

"Lyric?" She asked. I stood up and turned around. My mom was hidden by the shadows, an unlit cigarette dangling from her fingers. I knew she'd still be as beautiful as she was the day I left.

When she stepped into the moonlight, all I could do was stare. She still had the same beautiful Hazel eyes and shiny brown hair. Her face still looked soft and pretty, and she still had a good figure. My eyes filled with tears but I blinked them away.

"Long time no see, eh?" I chuckled awkwardly. My mom ran towards me and enveloped me in a hug.

"The kids in the neighbourhood said you were famous now, but I didn't believe them. You must be though, with that fancy car," she sniffled, her face hidden in my hair.

"'S not mine," I mumbled. "It's my girlfriends."

"Oh! Is she here?" My mom immediately released me and started messing with her hair.

"No mom, relax," I laughed. "I uh, I stole her car."

"Wha- Lyric!" My mom reprimanded. "Stealing is wrong!"

"We're fighting at the moment so I don't really care," I sighed. "Come on." I took her hand and brought her over to the car. "Do you know who Ariana Grande is?"

"I think I've heard Haley playing her songs on the radio," my mom replied. She sat in the passengers seat while I got in the drivers side. "This is the biggest car I've ever been in."

"Look in the glove compartment," I said, reclining my seat back. I shut my eyes and waited, smirking when my mom gasped.

"You're joking right?" She asked, holding up a photo of Ariana and I playing with the dogs.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. Then I showed her my lock screen. It was a picture of Ariana and I kissing.

"How'd you even meet her?" My mom breathed in awe.

"That record label I work at," I replied. "I ran into her by accident, and she invited me to lunch with her and her brother. And I loved her long before that, but I was invisible to her until that day. But we finally got together and we were so happy and now we're not exactly on speaking terms," I sighed. "So I took her car for a drive and ended up here. I'm not even sure why. I was just driving, and here I am."

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