Island fun

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I rolled over and smiled feeling Vain's warm body next to me

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I rolled over and smiled feeling Vain's warm body next to me. I could feel the ache between my legs and I knew that last night really happened. I was no longer a virgin. I gave my virginity to the man lying next to me and I didn't know how to feel about it. I was shocked at myself because I didn't think that I would go through with it but I did. I didn't know how I would feel after this and that is what scared me. I sighed and rolled over looking at his sleeping form. He was sexy even while he was sleeping. His long eyelashes rested on his cheek and his chest heaved up and down slowly. He looked innocent and sweet while he was sleeping. But I knew better, as soon as he opened his eyes, I would see the real Vain. I sat up slowly and kicked away the blanket. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and cursed under my breath. Roman text me a few times and called me as well. I had twenty missed calls from him and that made me nervous. I read over his messages and smiled. He said that he was going to give me the two days that I needed. I was glad that he was giving me some space because I needed it. I ran my fingers through my hair, I needed to take a shower and get ready for the day. Now that it was officially daylight, Vain and I could go out and explore the island. I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked back to make sure that Vain was still sleeping and I smiled at him. Even though I had left the bed, he didn't move an inch.

I closed the bathroom door silently and grabbed my toothbrush off the sink

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I closed the bathroom door silently and grabbed my toothbrush off the sink. I turned on my shower water and smiled feeling the water turn from cold to hot. When I was satisfied that it wasn't too hot, I stepped in and started to brush my teeth.

I wanted to talk to Roman but I was still angry with him. I knew that he would never do anything to hurt me but this hurt me. I hated that I was in the dark about what happened between him and my best friend. I rolled my eyes if I should even call her that. The only reason that she hung out with me was because she wanted to be close to Roman. She never cared about being my friend or being loyal to me. I always accepted Tarma no matter what. I accepted her when other people called her a slut for sleeping around. I never judged her and I always told her to be careful if that is what she wanted to do. I supported her and gave her a great spot in my dance crew. It upset me that she did that to me and still hid it. She didn't even take ownership of what she did wrong either. She just blamed the whole thing on my brother. I grabbed the soap and started to wash my body. I didn't want to spend the day thinking about them because I knew that it would upset me. The reason that I decided to come with Vain to Spain was so that I could getaway. I needed to get away for the weekend and then return on Sunday and go to school Monday. This would be a nice break away from all the stress that was building up in my life. I turned the shower water off and stepped out of the tub. I grabbed the big fluffy black towel and wrapped it around my body. When I walked into the bedroom Vain was sitting on the edge off the bed. He was on the phone and I could tell that he was dealing with something important. I walked into the closet and tried to stay out of his way and business. If he was dealing with Mafia business than I wanted to be sure that he didn't think I was prying. My brother was still his enemy even though I was here with him.

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